I tried to download an audiobook from this website:


it has an option for Apple iTunes Audiobook
but i just cant simply download it.:confused:

Care to help?

Works fine for me -- what link are you clicking on ("main site" works great), and what happens? Nothing?

Also provide your operating system and web browser that you are using.

Thanks for the reply:cheesy:

I clicked the main site yesterday and it opened in new tab as this numbers and words which appeared like those in Matrix films :confused:

I use firefox and OS X Panther, iTunes 7.1.1 (5)

Oops! I tried it just now and it works (!!??? more:confused:)

But anyway, thanks again,joe;)

>I clicked the main site yesterday and it opened in new tab as this numbers and words which appeared like those in Matrix films
Ah, I know what happened. Firefox for some reason tried to display the file (which contains weird characters) instead of downloading it.

It's weird -- sometimes if you click on a link it will download properly, other times it just gets displayed in the browser window. If it happens to you again, here is what you do in Firefox:

  1. Navigate to the previous page that has the download link.
  2. Right-click on the link.
  3. From the contextual menu that appears, choose "Save Link As..."
  4. You'll be prompted for where to save the file, choose a location, and the file will begin downloading.

:cheesy: Thanks again!

Well if it really comes down to it and you are still having problems. Maybe it is the compatibility of your computer with the download software from the website. Have you tried to download it from others? If you haven't I would suggest downloading your audio books from emusic. I haven't had any trouble with downloading from them.

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