I started putting music from cds into itunes, then after about 8 cds my mac os x 10.2 stopped reading them, it will read other cds but not music ones.
Can anyone help?

When I was using the Mac, I found that updateing seemed to fix everything.

Here is the combo update for 10.2 and should take you to 10.2.6


It looks like it improves audio and disk utility.

Hopefully that helps,

Starfish :o

Thanks Starfish, my mac is already 10.2.8 but maybe i should try to upgrade anyway


If you reboot, does the computer allow you to start reading music CD's again? I will need to try this... having only 333 MHz, I tend to just play the CD's from the stereo, or right off the disk instead of processing MP3's with cycles I really don't have to spare. But something else to try tonight. :)



are you trying to import original cds? maybe you have these copy protected discs?

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