Hello, I'm running an HP 513w, and up until recently, have had no, or minor, problems. Currently, I have a problem however. My computer is now prone to randomly shut down, although not completely. I can still hear it running, but the screen goes black, and the green power button is dark. The yellow light underneath it, however, is usually solid, although it flashes during normal use.

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

I'm sorry about the double post, but I forgot to mention that I have all my power options to "Always On" and I disabled screensavers.

check the power setting for the monitor too, monitor and cpu power setting are seperate. so set both to always on.

when you hit a key or move the mouse, does the monitor comes on

No, it doesn't. I don't think it has to do with it overheating, either, because I recently cleaned it out with compressed air. And I didn't overclock my graphics card, so heat can't be coming from there.

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