Help! for some unknown reason I cannot save to the favourited folder, i jusy get an " unspecified error". I am running windows XP home. I have tried uninstallin IE7 and re-installing it but still the same prob.... john

Hmmm...that's a new one. Could be an infection...or it could just be Windows being Windows.

I suggest making sure your internet security suite is updated and you do a full scan. Any antivirus you have and any antispyware you have should both be run (though not at the same time). Also, open up the Internet Properties window and delete Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.

If there's no infection, it may just be "one of those things". I hate saying that, but then, there are reasons I don't use IE. I don't mind helping you figure it out, but whether it works or not, I'd suggest picking up Firefox (it's free). It's MUCH more secure, a little less picky, and can import all your IE favorites once installed. There's a few websites out there that don't like anything but IE, but those are disappearing FAST. I also signed up for (though there's several services like theirs now) to manage my bookmarks/favorites and installed the appropriate plugin to access it. That way, I don't have to worry about saving them locally and risk losing them all. Just a couple suggestions, though obviously not a solution for the initial problem.

Just out of curiosity...what, if any, Internet Security suite are you using? (Norton, McAfee, ZoneAlarm, AVG, etc.)

I might not have an answer, but maybe something you report back will trigger someone else's memory...

check that you have access to the C:/Documents and settings/USERNAME/Favourites

I can't do it when an ad has taken control of system time, until the ad finishes running.

I can't do it when an ad has taken control of system time, until the ad finishes running.



Midi...maybe I'm reading it wrong...but I don't follow. What are you talking about? Please elaborate a bit.

I can't open the favorites menu while a moving ad (of the type found on DaniWeb) is on the screen, until the ad stops moving. The ad is using up all of the CPU time, leaving none for mouse operations.

I can't open the favorites menu while a moving ad (of the type found on DaniWeb) is on the screen, until the ad stops moving. The ad is using up all of the CPU time, leaving none for mouse operations.

Either you're running a Pentium Pro or something's wrong. I'm inclined to think the latter.

Pick up NoScript for Firefox. It's a very popular tool, so it should be easy to find on the extensions section of the Firefox site. Once installed, just click the lower right hand "S" that has the circle/slash over it and tell it that "" is ok, but leave the others blocked. This will at least kill the ads. (Sorry, Dani...not trying to kill your income stream, but sometimes these things are necessary...)

We can go from there once we have that done. Trust works well. Just don't forget to allow any sites you normally visit because by default, ALL scripts are blocked.

Unfortunately, it's past my bedtime, so thinking isn't something I'm going to attempt right now. Perhaps tomorrow...

Hmmm...that's a new one. Could be an infection...or it could just be Windows being Windows.

I suggest making sure your internet security suite is updated and you do a full scan. Any antivirus you have and any antispyware you have should both be run (though not at the same time). Also, open up the Internet Properties window and delete Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.

If there's no infection, it may just be "one of those things". I hate saying that, but then, there are reasons I don't use IE. I don't mind helping you figure it out, but whether it works or not, I'd suggest picking up Firefox (it's free). It's MUCH more secure, a little less picky, and can import all your IE favorites once installed. There's a few websites out there that don't like anything but IE, but those are disappearing FAST. I also signed up for (though there's several services like theirs now) to manage my bookmarks/favorites and installed the appropriate plugin to access it. That way, I don't have to worry about saving them locally and risk losing them all. Just a couple suggestions, though obviously not a solution for the initial problem.

Just out of curiosity...what, if any, Internet Security suite are you using? (Norton, McAfee, ZoneAlarm, AVG, etc.)

I might not have an answer, but maybe something you report back will trigger someone else's memory...

I have AVG and I run a full scan every day, thanks for the time though!! john

I have AVG and I run a full scan every day, thanks for the time though!! john

So, you mean AVG 7.5 Internet Security suite with antispyware and firewall? Or do you mean AVG Free antivirus? What else do you have running? You really should have an antispyware program installed as well. The AVG one is ok, whether the separate program or the built-in one on the IS suite, but I wouldn't use that alone.

Windows Defender is free and runs pretty invisibly (for a MS app, that is). Spybot S&D is a good freeware one, and Ad-Aware 2007 should be worthwhile as well. Although I also have Comodo BOClean installed, I really don't know if it's doing much, but I know it's monitoring my system memory every time anything tries to access...maybe worth a shot? It's not a traditional scanner, that's for sure.

Try those. If any of them give you trouble, let us know right away. Make sure you're detailed in your description of what happened and any error messages you get.

Good luck and have a happy holiday!

It's a Pentium 4 running at 1.8 GHz.

I figured it is just greedy ad software stealing all of the cycles. It was the cause of the scrolling problem I reported in the DaniWeb Community Feedback forum last summer.

I shouldn't add extra software, because my computer is used for special purposes which are time critical.

It's a Pentium 4 running at 1.8 GHz.

I figured it is just greedy ad software stealing all of the cycles. It was the cause of the scrolling problem I reported in the DaniWeb Community Feedback forum last summer.

I shouldn't add extra software, because my computer is used for special purposes which are time critical.

All the more reason to stop those damn ads!!!!!! No ad should EVER take up that much processing power. I've got an AMD Athlon XP 3200+, which runs at 2.19GHz (not much faster than what you have) and I NEVER have that problem. Something's wrong and that's what I was saying we need to fix.

I can't say regarding IE, but if you're using Firefox, you NEED to pick up NoScript and maybe even Adblock Plus. They will stop all the crap from even appearing. They are free extensions for Firefox, so they take up very few resources. NoScript needs to be configured page by page, but just remember to "allow" each domain you visit, leaving the others blocked (like "google-analytics" and whatever others.) They work REALLY well. If NoScript doesn't stop an ad (due to there being a link instead of a script), then Adblock Plus can be told to step in.

With ABP, when you right-click an ad to block, it gives you the full address. Just highlight everything past the directory slash after the .net or .com or whatever they use and replace it with a ' * '. That means EVERYTHING coming from that company's ad site is now blocked (or should be). Otherwise, when you refresh, it'll sometimes come right back. (for example:* ) -> FYI, I just used a made-up address. It doesn't lead anywhere.

Good luck and I hope you enjoyed your holiday!

Install them, get familiar with them, use them, love them. I do.

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