This problem is similar to others that I've seen posted but nothing was quite the same and the solutions that I've tried (e.g. rebooting or upgrading router) didn't help.

When connecting to the net from home, I can get to any web site that I want to just fine except those in the med.umich.edu domain (e.g. http://med.umich.edu). Using two other computers running XP at the same place, I can get in just fine. Also, when I am at work - and connecting within the internal network - it works fine. Also if I tunnel in via VPN, I can see them as well.

At home, I am accessing the web via a wireless card and ATT-DSL via a 2wire 2701HG-B Gateway and see the same problem whether I use FIrefox or IE so I think it is a system problem. Also, if I use a wired connection to my router rather than wireless it still doesn't work. Finally, when I connect from other sites at the University of Michigan outside of the Med School firewall, it doesn't work either.

Unfortunately, the UM Med School doesn't support Vista (I can see why with these problems) so it is hard to get help from them. I just tried upgrading to the Vista SP1-RC and that didn't fix the problem.

I suspect that this is something related to local vs internet security. I tried adding one of the sites to the "trusted sites" list but that didn't fix it. So, I'm out of ideas at this point.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thanks much,
Rick Neubig

is this a laptop, or desk top. are you able to access the site on this same vista pc when u take it to school or work??????

Thanks! It is a laptop and I can access the med.umich.edu sites fine from work (at least within the Med School firewall). If I go to the main University sites where I am outside the Med School firewall it does not work.

is this a laptop, or desk top. are you able to access the site on this same vista pc when u take it to school or work??????

can i safely assume these are all wireless connection. go into IE and change the security setting for local intranet. set every thing to dafault. and try to connect. then on the connection tab ensure that no proxy setting are enable, do you have any firewall on the computer. disable then try connecting after changing all setting.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm afraid they didn't correct the problem.

can i safely assume these are all wireless connection. go into IE and change the security setting for local intranet. set every thing to dafault. and try to connect. then on the connection tab ensure that no proxy setting are enable, do you have any firewall on the computer. disable then try connecting after changing all setting.

did you disable the firewall?........can you log into your router?, see if the ip/domain is blocked. the other PC that can access the site from home, check the internet setting on them and match this vista pc to it.

sometimes workplaces /universitys etc block content unless your within their local network or have dialed in using vpn etc my uni does it and will only let me access certain content unless within their network. Check with them they will be able to tell you.

I don't think that is the case since I can get to the web site fine from an XP computer connected via the same external connection.

was the laptop configured by anyone on campus, did they give you any settings to use to get acces to the site

yer it doesnt sound like a vista specific problem more like a config problem and if vista isnt supported yet by your campus then you probably have little or hope!

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