hey guys, ummm im not that gewd with computers, but ummm ive been trying to copy movie files (mostly .avi) onto a thumb drive then copy them from the thumb drive onto other compters.
everytime i do it the movie wont play on the computer.
ive tried using a few different thumb drives and copying them to a few different computers, so i think there is a problem with my laptop...

any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks heaps

hello ,I'm pretty gewd with computers, do the movies work on the laptop!!.how big a file are they ,are they full lenth movies ,the 7 and 8 hundred meg ones ,how to you move them from the laptop to the thumb drive ,drag and drop or copy & paste

yeh the movies work fine on the laptop!!! ummm they range from about 150 MB to about 700 MB but ive even tried smaller ones like 20 or 30 MB and they wont work...
i usually copy and paste them from my laptop tp the thumb drive...

thanks heaps

using the windows key and E ,and open file manager /my computer with the file tree,try dragging the files from there location and dropping then into thumb drive .

nah it didnt work...
i copied it too my thumb drive... all gewd then wen to my other computer and no luck... the movie just opens and doesnt play... but im sure there's a problem with the way i copy them over or some setting on my laptop...

nah it didnt work...
i copied it too my thumb drive... all gewd then wen to my other computer and no luck... the movie just opens and doesnt play... but im sure there's a problem with the way i copy them over or some setting on my laptop...

do you copy it to the other computer or try and play it from the thumbdrive

ummm i tried both, straight off the thumb drive and copying it too the desktop, i even tried another computer and same thing happens...

ummm i tried both, straight off the thumb drive and copying it too the desktop, i even tried another computer and same thing happens...

sorry to hear that ,cant think of anything on the laptop that would cause this ,

Any idea what codec these files use? DivX, XviD? Try installing these codecs on the other machine and then try playing the files.

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