i have windows xp sp2 and my sound is really fuzzy and its annoying how can i fix this?

feel free to ask questions!

What sound card? Have you downloaded the latest drivers from the manufacturer, (or from the maker of your system)?

soundMAx ditgital intergrated audio i beilive

Information on the Soundmax website shows you must go back to the manufacturer of your system, OR the maker of the motherboard if you don't own a system by Dell, Compaq or similar.

Who made your system? Is it a name brand? If it isn't, you'll need to figure out what motherboard is in it.

If you go to this website, you will find links to most manufacturer's websites that use the Soundmax Digital Integrated Audio chip:


If you find a link to your PC's manufacturer, or to the motherboard's maker, go there and look for the newest drivers for that card.

Hope I've helped, good luck to you.

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