I saw PC Bug Doctor on download.com and I was wondering if any here has used it or if it does what it says it does? Fixing problems that often require a system restore or reinstall and registry problems and things. Any of this true? Is it worth doing a free scan or buying the program?

You need:

- A good AntiVirus program, constantly scanning in the background
- At least two Spyware detection and Removal programs (AdAware, spybot)
- A decent 'Uninstaller', which monitors the programs being installed on your system and ensures that they are properly removed later.
- A good set of computing habits, including a reasonable working knowledge of Windows tools such as Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter
- Sensible web browsing habits and an awareness of what type of "Can I install?" requests to keep clear of.

With those things, you will almost certainly never have a need to call in any 'Doctor' to fix up the problems that have been allowed to arise.

All of those things can be found for free!

I tried it before it didn't really do much. Just do what catweazle suggested

Yeah it doesnt look like it would hurt your system but it isn't necessary to have it. So yeah follow catweazles advice and your computer should run smoothly all the time.

Okay everyone, thanks for the info.

Catweazle, what would you suggest for me to get for an uninstall program? I have something called EasyCleaner 2.0 that has an uninstall function on it right now. Is there something better I should get?

I'm sorry I don't have the time at the minute to find a better alternative, but please note that Easycleaner is NOT an Uninstaller. It's a Registry Cleaner, and a potentially dangerous tool in the hands of the inexperienced.

I'm sorry I don't have the time at the minute to find a better alternative, but please note that Easycleaner is NOT an Uninstaller. It's a Registry Cleaner, and a potentially dangerous tool in the hands of the inexperienced.

Yeah, I'm pretty dangerous. However, all I do is follow the instructions. It just says clean out the registry (things that no longer have valid entries and don't point to anything). Then I clean out shortcuts that no longer exist...I haven't seen any problems doing this, does that sound okay?

Also, with the uninstaller program, I REALLY need to uninstall Panda ANtivirus, because I tried to uninstall it the normal way, an error occured while trying to uninstall, now it won't let me uninstall it at all. I tried to reinstall it so I could uninstall it again, but it won't let me install over it, even though it's the same thing, the same version. Will this uninstall that you're talking about do that for me?

Hi again,

A decent Uninstaller program does a bit more than simply clean out registry entries. Some compare programs and their installers against a database and removes them completely, while other types may monitor the installation process and then track system changes programs make so they can be effectively removed later.

Your Uninstaller
Advanced Uninstaller Pro

Try booting into 'Safe Mode' and uninstalling Panda. You haven't given any details about the error messages you receive, or the version of Panda you have, but you might simply have program components loaded which are blocking the uninstall.

If you still can't uninstall from Safe Mode, try following these instructions from the Panda support team:

Open the Registry from Start, Run, write REGEDIT, and click on OK. Highlight 'My Computer' at the top of the list, then go to 'Edit' and 'Find'. Type 'panda' into the box and then click on 'Find Next'. This will search the Registry for panda files. When it brings up a folder or file, press 'delete' or right-click on the highlighted file/folder and select 'delete' from the menu to remove it. Then press 'F3' to search again and find the next Panda entry.

Continue to search and delete Panda entries in the Registry until no more entries are found. Then repeat this process, this time searching for 'pav'. When both searches are complete, close the Registry and restart the computer.

Once this operation has been carried out, using Windows Explorer delete the Panda Software folder that is below C:\Program files. You should also delete the following files Windows \system: PAV.SIG, APVXD.VXD, APVXDUT.VXD, PANDA.CHP.

Hi again,

A decent Uninstaller program does a bit more than simply clean out registry entries. Some compare programs and their installers against a database and removes them completely, while other types may monitor the installation process and then track system changes programs make so they can be effectively removed later.

Your Uninstaller
Advanced Uninstaller Pro

Try booting into 'Safe Mode' and uninstalling Panda. You haven't given any details about the error messages you receive, or the version of Panda you have, but you might simply have program components loaded which are blocking the uninstall.

If you still can't uninstall from Safe Mode, try following these instructions from the Panda support team:

Thanks again for the info! Just a quick question...are you saying I should install one of those uninstall programs, THEN go into safe mode and use the uninstall program? (I chose Your Uninstaller! based on reviews over the other)

are you saying I should install one of those uninstall programs, THEN go into safe mode and use the uninstall program?

He's not saying that. Those were separate instructions. Try Safe Mode uninstall of Panda first. If it doesn't help, then try installing YU and seeing if that'll help.

I joined this forum just to let you know that PC Bug Doctor says its doing a lot of cleaning. The only bad thing is it does not tell you WHAT its cleaning. It may tell you it has cleaned 50 bad short cuts but is unable to tell which ones are going to be fixed before you request they be fixed. I have contacted the related tech support and they fail to see any reason for a person wanting to know what they are fixing before they fix it! Don't make the same mistake I made ... stay clear of PC Bug Doctor. There has not been an update to the program for nearly a year. If it doesn't do anything, there is not anything that needs to keep it current!

in reply to wkloppe, what he says is true except that I had a problem with my computer and the tech support people helped me. Had a web browser issue that I could not fix and they walked me thru getting rid of it. Was worth the 59 dollars for that to me. The tech guy said they will try to fix anything their software wont.

My (indirect) problems with PC doctor:

:!: Before :::
I was playing San Andreas on my pc, just when I shut it down, I checked my e-mail and saw there was a newer version of Opera (8.1), so I downloaded it, since then when I start Opera it starts playing the introsong of Medal Of Honor Allied Assault!!!!
Then I closed Opera and went to bed.

:!: The real problem :::
The next day (today) after the third reboot (because of heat problems... A whole other thing.) I got these "download now" messages, from:

___Program: PC Bug Doctor
:!:Site: www.pcbugdoctor.com
___This should not be opened if you are not sure what it is, and so forth.

Of course I didn't downloaded it... but It started coming (Internet Explorer / Opera / Firefox and so forth, weren't even online :cry: )
So I rebooted again and till now I didn't get it anymore but I'm still wondering what it could be from...

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