hi friends,

When i connect my dialup connection , i am getting this error message

"Error 720: A connection to the remote computer could not be established."

can any one knows about this,does anyone have solution for this.Help me please

details: what are you trying to connect to and how

details: what are you trying to connect to and how

Details are

I am using windows xp.I want to connect internet using bsnl dial up connection.I used to connect through bsnl dial up connection.But now a days i cant connect and showing the error message Error 720: A connection to the remote computer could not be established.

What will be the real problem ? Do you know about this ?

yes, it's either the dialer settings or something wrong on ISP side. call your ISP's techsupport

Does anyone have any options to recover from this error

why don't you want to call your service provider? that's what he keeps a callcentre for

error is in network protocols.
try diabling the yellow iconed network problems in device manager.
Then uninstall them
then reboot and reinstall the drivers for that and done.

I hunted for months for a solution to this problem RAS error code 720.

I have a Thinkpad T60 and about six months ago was suddenly unable to use my Vodafone Vodem so I tried my old Vodafone card modem and it wouldn't work either. Even tried my Sony phone with a cable and it wouldn't work. When I've travelled for the last six months I have had to take my old T42 with me and all the modems work fine with that laptop.

I have tried many solutions to this and wasted countless hours.

Today I finally found a tiny free program called rarepair.exe - do a search and you can easily find it but I got it from here


Click on it and it removes all your network drivers, reboots your machine, reinstalls the drivers and then does a second reboot.

Everything was restored perfectly. I would have paid serious money for this as it has saved me from doing a fresh XP install which would have taken weeks to get everything reinstalled.

Please copy this to any sites you have visited while trying to find a solution.

Microsoft couldn't fix this problem - or pretended it didn't exist. Lenovo are in denial that it exists.

The person who wrote this little program is a hero!

Thanks star98... It worked .. can you share source code...

RAS error is a blockage on your laptop it has nothing to do with the ISP or modem settings or router, or your USB modem or aircard

> If its with USB modem or aircard remove the device, remove the cables

> Go to Command Prompt type netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt it will reset your TCP/IP > restart your computer

> try to connect should work.......

Thank you star98m. I usually have this error report on my computer. And your suggestion of over 2years ago on this thread has helped me solve this problem. You are a blessing to near novices like me and may God bless you. Also thanks to sree22_happy for bringing this up on this thread.

Thanks lot lot ! Star98m. It worked. No words to praise you. You bet ;)

Have a question. Does this resolution works for windows 7 OS as well?


Oh its amazinggggggggggggggg...!!
I was trying to fix this issue since 1 Month but did not succeed.
But this small program provided by Star98m worked like a miracle.

Thanks Star98m.

Excuse me guys, I had error 720 problem, so I downloaded rarepair.exe which help in overcoming the problem but after that failed to dial up msg is pestering me coz I still am unable to connect to net Plz Help


This worked wonders!! Thank you star98m..the solution worked. I am now able to connect to internet using USB Internet Dongle.

wow!! this is really an amazing tiny software i've ever met!!! and it works 100%... thanks to the author... keep up the good work!

how much time it require for reinstalling the components

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