Okay i been having a problem with my computer and I was wondering if anyone ever went thru this and could probably help me out

I got XP and i have other users on my computer and their sound seem to be working except mines. I can listen to limewire music but no youtube nor myspace. I was thinking maybe a plug in that i must have missed but dont really know much about it.

Help anyone

check the sound properties you might have the thing on mute.

i checked it and it seems fine, its on high.

I pulled up the sounds,speech, and audio and clicked on sounds and devices it doesnt seem to show a audio device. I can hear limewire and my speakers are working. Other then that i have a problem

click the drop down arrow and choose a audio device. if thats not selected the system will not where to play your sound through

thanks to all for the help

i clicked down and choose my audio

it seems that someone messed with it and clicked no audio

THANKS a bunch

that good ,but clicked down where !

ohh sorry for not being clear. You go to contro panel and click on sounds, speech, and audio devices. From there you click on sound and audio devices once again. A new window should appear and then simply click on the tab:Audio. The very first thing after you click on it should read Default device and scroll on the sound card you want to use. I had modem line playback when it should of been Sigma tel audio by dell.

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