Hi all,
I hope I'm at the right place and I wonder if any of you can help me out.
I have an HP Pavilion Notebook with Windows Vista 64 bit Home Premium. Last week my Norton Anti-Virus 2007 started up saying I had the worm. It hasn't fixed the problem and will not complete a full system scan. Norton just seems to 'stall' after some files are checked. In the History section it says the worm has been taken care of but I don't believe that is true.
I am not a new comer to computers but when it comes to starting in Safe mode or doing anything like that (to fix problems) I tend to get lost. Most of the help I've seen online isn't for Vista OS either.
Cany anyone provide a step by step procedure to destroy this virus?

have you tried usinga diffrent anti-Virus program? give it a try and see if it helps. I now there a few free ones out there like AvG and Avira give it a shot it might work

Try an online virus scanner: http://www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner

To remove the W32.Spybot Worm [ Go Here ] and follow the instructions.

They also have a removal tool that will remove it for you, but you Must read the instructions.

This worm usually infects systems due to File Sharing via Kazaa, Limewire and other P2P programs. Make sure if you use these to download, that you scan files before opening.

thanks for the response. Does that mean I have to uninstall Norton (never to be used again?)

have you tried usinga diffrent anti-Virus program? give it a try and see if it helps. I now there a few free ones out there like AvG and Avira give it a shot it might work

thanks for the response. I've heard of Kaspersky but is it free? Would using a different virusscanner mean I have to uninstall Norton (never to be used again)? I believe I got the virus over msn messenger.

Try an online virus scanner: http://www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner

To remove the W32.Spybot Worm [ Go Here ] and follow the instructions.

They also have a removal tool that will remove it for you, but you Must read the instructions.

This worm usually infects systems due to File Sharing via Kazaa, Limewire and other P2P programs. Make sure if you use these to download, that you scan files before opening.

Yes, its free, It scans online, so you don't need to uninstall Norton.

If you caught the virus from Windows Live Messenger, it will have been from someone who uses P2P programs. In Windows Live Messenger go to Tools > Options > File Transfer and click Scan files for viruses using: Click Browse and navigate to your norton .exe then click Apply then OK. If you don't want to do that, click Install for the Windows Live OneCare safety scanner (also free).

This will scan every file you send & receive

Hi again,
I used the Kaper online scanner but resulted in finding nothing. Although some areas were blocked and therefore skipped. how can I temporarily turn off Norton Anti-Virus or Webroot Spy Sweeper to ensure nothing is skipped and therefore scanned?
Some of the areas that were skipped included the lines of information I get if I start in safe mode. Is this the spybot being tricky?

Yes, its free, It scans online, so you don't need to uninstall Norton.

If you caught the virus from Windows Live Messenger, it will have been from someone who uses P2P programs. In Windows Live Messenger go to Tools > Options > File Transfer and click Scan files for viruses using: Click Browse and navigate to your norton .exe then click Apply then OK. If you don't want to do that, click Install for the Windows Live OneCare safety scanner (also free).

This will scan every file you send & receive

You can stop all items starting up by pressing the Shift Key and keeping it pressed just after the bios beep until you log in. Sign in and press shift again just as you press enter.

This may not block the Antivirus so, press Start > Run type msconfig and click OK.

When Msconfig comes up, go to the Startup Tab and remove the ticks from what you don't want to start and click ok and reboot when prompted.

Just remember to go back and reactivate them later.

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