Hi my computer will not boot in normal or safe mode im getting this error on both boots

its the blue screen error.
Hp.. C0000135 (unable to locate component) This application has failed to start because usp10.dll was not found reinstall the application may fix this problem

Can you help

What is the alternative without a windows CD?

Try loading 'last known working configuration' in you boot menu.
If that doesn't work you could try downloading puppy-linux-live-cd and boot that. Then download the file and store it somewhere. This may or may not work.


Hi my computer will not boot in normal or safe mode im getting this error on both boots

its the blue screen error.
Hp.. C0000135 (unable to locate component) This application has failed to start because usp10.dll was not found reinstall the application may fix this problem

Can you help

what operating system do you have? and where are you seeing this error message?

last known configuration did not work bu I will try the linux boot cd

usp10.dll error

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