I have had an Excite email account for several years with no problems. (I use it as my main account and download everything into it as I have had so many problems with downloading email to my computer. So this is an account that I really need access to). Today however when I try to login I get an error page stating that I might try the following:

Enable cookies and javascript......they are enabled

Old browser issues...I have the most current browsers IE7, FireFox, Netscape...get the same page on all of them

Your computer's clock may be set ahead 10 years or more...my settings for this are fine

Your computer's hard drive (C:, most likely) has low disk space....my computer is only using 25% of available disk space

Your computer/computer's network is using security software or a firewall that prevents you from signing in....I have excite enabled in my Kaspersky program

I have tried restoring my computer with the restore feature to a date when everything was working properly (twice) this didn't help either

This is all the help they provide....there is no contact of any kind that I can find. If anyone else has had this problem, please tell me how you corrected it or if not, hopefully someone can help me with this.

I haven't made any changes recently that I know of...?

If you are using a bookmark, try typing in the url for the site without using the bookmark.

Site upgrades frequently cause this problem when bookmarks are used, especially if the bookmark goes somewhere other than the site home page.

Thanks, but I cannot sign in from the main excite page either. If anyone out there has an email address where I can contact excite, would you please post it. If I could just get them to reset my mail account I think that would fix it.

I have tried support@excite.com, but it comes back as undeliverable. I have Googled for excite support, but it only takes me to the main help page which has no type of contact.

I am really desperate here...all my email is stored there. I can access all my other email accounts online (that I POP into excite) so it must be something there.

Thanks again for your input

Well, that didn't work either?

OK, with the help of my nephew it was figured out...since he had had a problem of this kind in the past he went into Tools, Privacy then checked to see if excite and doubleclick were blocked...somehow they were. (even though when I clicked on allowed cookies excite was showing, I didn't know to look for doubleclikd). This solved the problem.

I have no idea how they got blocked to start with, but in case someone else has the problem, this is the solution.

Thanks for all your input.

Welcome,thanks for your addition :)

"Doubleclick" is something you want blocked believe me tkshr!! (They are a spam company designed to deliver spam ads to you based on what sites you goto)

This is all the help they provide....there is no contact of any kind that I can find. If anyone else has had this problem, please tell me how you corrected it or if not, hopefully someone can help me with this.

Found it! Excite email contact form! YAY! :


I know its old news, but they're "new" format is horrible! Maybe if they get enough emails they'll go back.

hello, since yesterday and today I have not been able to get my excite email also, on my laptop or desktop, so I'm pretty sure its an excite issue, we'll just have to be patient and wait for them to fix there crappy system. and I'm going to slowly convert all my accounts that use excite to gmail, as it does not go down every oither week. good luck to you and to us all.

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