I have a lenovo r61 and it is running pretty slow on 1gb I am upgrading to 2gb soon but I want to make it faster, if I turn off some of Windows vista's services will it make it faster? and what should i disable?

Any help would be apreiciated!

in some cases turning off "superfetch" can increase peformance substantially. in other cases it can reduce it. try it

AFAICT, most of the services running take relatively little memory. Vista is pretty aggressive in it's use of memory though, so upgrading to 2GB should make a big difference.

superfetch is the thing that caches all your memory

having stuff cached can be faster but it makes bootin g and logging in slow as hell

superfetch, what does this actually do?

caches stuff you use a lot into RAM

it hasn't made much of a difference, is they anyway I can make it faster?

what will happen if I turn off all the services?

Things might start to break (e.g. Windows logon service). Seriously, wait and see what the new RAM does.

how much ram you have on the system , how many programs do you have starting with windows. (items in the task bar by the clock) as for turning off services this will not make a drastic improvement in speed. follow infarction advices get more memory

I have been in MSCONFIG and tunred everything off apart from AVG 7.5 so I dont think that is a problem and I only got a few programs like macromedia studio 8 and camtasia studio and office 07

And I have 1gb of ram :(

I'm guessing part of the problem is that you're running some memory intensive programs. Most services take relatively little memory (see attached), except some take more if it's available (like the window manager, dwm.exe, for example). I'm pretty sure Macromedia Studio takes a good chunk and I'd guess the same for the other studio. Office is probably a little bit less but still uses a bit. Turning off some services may help, but pinching 4MB processes won't make much difference.


best way is to just het 1gb more ram

on 2gb my lenovo c200 runs blazingly fast

Well I will get the memory soon!

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