Hiya, I wanted to try deleting some files etc because I believe they're causing problems but I haven't been able to access Safe Mode due to various viruses I thought I deleted them all and maybe I have but I still couldn't access Safe Mode. I looked on a website and someone suggested using MSCONfig and click SafeBoot and on the BOOT.INI tab and now I've done that it now restarts WINDOWS but cuts off about 2 seconds after the WINDOWS XP loading screen appears and just restarts and asks me if I want to:

Start Windows Normally
Last Known working configuration
And 3 Safe Boot Modes

I've tried them all but my computer won't get passed the WINDOWS screen without restarting, and it's because of the SAFEBOOT setting on MSConfig and the fact that SAFE boot isn't working at present due to the virus etc. So is there anything I can do to fix this, because I can't get onto my computer? *I'm posting this from another computer on a training course* so a quick-ish response would be appreciated! :) Thank alot!!!

Additonal info:

WINDOWS XP (Home Edition) Service Pack 2
CPU 2.00Ghz Intel Celeron
Onboard S3 Pro Savage Grpahics
Onboard Audio

Lesson One. Do not use msconfig safeboot option when you have malware on board. If the malware has damaged the registry Safemode key your sys will not be able to enter Safe mode, it will reboot. And you won't be able to undo the Safeboot option.... but you know that now...
Msconfig Safeboot option modifies your boot.ini file. Use a bootable tool like Recovery Console to repair it with the bootcfg command, or slave the drive and edit it manually, or use a bootalbe tool which will allow you to access the C: root to edit boot.ini manually.
The edit is pretty obvious; in this sample boot.ini:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /SAFEBOOT:MINIMAL(ALTERNATESHELL)
C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT="Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons

-you would simply delete the safeboot switch on the line where it occurs and save boot.ini.
Lesson Two: Don't believe all you read on websites.

Lesson One. Do not use msconfig safeboot option when you have malware on board. If the malware has damaged the registry Safemode key your sys will not be able to enter Safe mode, it will reboot. And you won't be able to undo the Safeboot option.... but you know that now...
Msconfig Safeboot option modifies your boot.ini file. Use a bootable tool like Recovery Console to repair it with the bootcfg command, or slave the drive and edit it manually, or use a bootalbe tool which will allow you to access the C: root to edit boot.ini manually.
The edit is pretty obvious; in this sample boot.ini:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /SAFEBOOT:MINIMAL(ALTERNATESHELL)
C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT="Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons

-you would simply delete the safeboot switch on the line where it occurs and save boot.ini.
Lesson Two: Don't believe all you read on websites.

thank you for replying but I'm not too sure I understand what you told me to do, the thing is I can't actually log on to my computer at all, I'm stuck in a loop, Windows starts up, I tell the comp to start Windows normally or last know configuration and then it cuts off on the WINDOWS screen and restarts, so how would I get passed this because I can't log in to make any changes on the configurations or boot ini? Should I access SETUP, is there anything on there that can help? Thanks for helping! :)

The only way past your problem is to not try to boot your OS. It just will not start. You must use a bootable cd .. eg, your Xp installation cd is one such... there are others... and manually edit C:\boot.ini as I stated above.
If you boot with an XP installation cd Recovery Console is about your first choice available to you. Enter it and use the bootcfg command. Change the boot order by pressing F11 during startup and selecting your optical drive, eg CD/DVD, so that you may boot from the cd.

The only way past your problem is to not try to boot your OS. It just will not start. You must use a bootable cd .. eg, your Xp installation cd is one such... there are others... and manually edit C:\boot.ini as I stated above.
If you boot with an XP installation cd Recovery Console is about your first choice available to you. Enter it and use the bootcfg command. Change the boot order by pressing F11 during startup and selecting your optical drive, eg CD/DVD, so that you may boot from the cd.

thanks for that! :( that's a shame I don't think I actually have a CD of the sort but I might just have one, anyway I'll try what you said if I find one, but I don't think I do... Windows should implement features that will make these problems easier to fix. Thank you Gerbil, but I don't think I'll be able to get it working, I might have to buy a new computer but I'm skint so I can't even do that! ha :D If anyone has another way of fixing it which doesn't involve having to use a CD etc please let me know, but Gerbil is obviously correct anyway. Thank you. :(

Borrow a cd... OEM or full licence, they will both types have a Recovery Console on them. And this is one problem where windows cannot fix itself simply because it cannot start.
You can also download a variety of bootable cd iso's which you can burn an image of, and use them to access your boot.ini file.
Good luck.... this problem does not call for either a reinstallation or a new computer. It is quite straightforward to fix if you have the tool, a bootable cd.

ok gerbil I'll see what I can do, anyway one more question on your 2nd post would I delete the following text (exactly)? or less/more:

/noexecute=optin /fastdetect /SAFEBOOT:MINIMAL(ALTERNATESHELL)

just in case you need to know before he returns i'll answer ?
just remove the safe boot switch ,a switch is this / and the command following it ,the one before the / are needed to boot windows .

Same problem.

I tried to boot from CD and after hitting R to start the Recovery Console, I got the following message "Setup did not find any hard disk drives on your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer and that any disk related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup cannot continue."
Any one can help me?

Ah.. nvm
My problem solved with xpbootcd.iso, windows xp image cd i think (corect me if wrong please).
Booting with that iso select run windows normaly and.. log in to windows.
Remove selected msconfig--> boot.ini --> safeboot , try to restart manualy and no problem.

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