I was just working on my computer, with Quicken open in the background, when it just closed itself. I tried to reopen from the shortcut and from the program itself and this is the message I get
"The drive or network connection that the shortcut 'Quicken 2007.lnk' refers to is unavailable. Make sure the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available and try again."

What the heck? I had it open and it just freaked out on me. When I look for the target it just says E:\qw.exe and if I try to do anything with it, it just says this is not a valid target. I am totally computer stupid, so I have no idea what to do next. Does anyone have an idea? I would like to not lose my checkbook. I have backups, but it would still be annoying.


ps - someone told me to just find the qw.exe file then make a shortcut from there. That doesn't work because it tells me it can't find the program used to create the shortcut. When I try to reinstall Quicken it automatically goes to the e: drive, then tells me the e drive is invalid. AGHH. I have no idea how to deal with this sort of thing.

look in control panel add/remove and is the program listed. highlight it, click on change and reinstall the program.

Here is another disturbing theory, do you have antivirus and spyware installed on you pc.
You might want to run one of these programs, Adaware, Spybot Search& Destroy, Avast or AVG antivirus. let us know what happen

Did you install Quickbooks from your E: Drive? It sounds like your quickbooks became corrupt and upon startup it's looking for the install files to repair.

Well, I tried to UNINSTALL Quicken and I get this message. "Fatal Error During Installation". What?
When I originally installed Quicken probably 2 years ago it was a download. I can't even find an e: drive on my computer. C is my hard drive, d is my disk drive. When I look under all the control panels, tools, information, etc... I can't find anything that says e: drive.
I don't really have an antivirus program. I only ever use Mozilla (because I DID get a virus last year from Explorer), but I guess I could get a virus from Mozilla too. I do have Ccleaner and HiJack this on my computer from when I had a virus last summer.

ps - did a spyware/virus scan and found trojan-phisher-snifula just now. COuld this have corrupted my Quicken connection?

yep, did you download any of the programs i recommended in my previous post. you are going to need to do a clean of your system. after you have done the scan with those programs we will suggest a more deeper and thorough cleaning. then set you up with an antivirus and firewall ( and the best part they are very good and free)

And to dispense the myth about browsers and virus. you don't need to have a web browser to get a virus, the mere fact you have an internet connection you can get a virus. you can get virus from external medias, Flash Drives, CD, DVD, and Floppy Disk., the best protection is having an updated virus protection program.

ok, i've downloaded spysweeper and am in the process of downloading adaware. what should I do next, just run a scan with one of them?

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