
I have been using upgrades since NT3.51 and have been on Win2K for years.

For some reason I never thought the SP4 was a "must have"; and didn't bother with it until I've begun running into "....must have SP4 installed to ...". I downloaded the SP4 executable and have tried, valiantly, to install it. The executable starts off like gangbusters and comes to a screeching halt after investigating my system. The reason??? Seems like I have an internet explorer file in use by someone or something (that I can never find).

There are other issues that would probably be addressed and taken care of by SP4. I would
re-install, Win2k but all I have is the upgrade CD and not sure how that would work or if I would have to reinstall everything from 3.51 forward.

Any help here??

Step 1: restart the pc then install the patch
Step 2: if you still get the error bring up task manager and kill the service that SP4 is reporting thats running.
the upgrade Cd will not do a full install of windows 2000. you will need a full version.

Step 1: restart the pc then install the patch
Step 2: if you still get the error bring up task manager and kill the service that SP4 is reporting thats running.
the upgrade Cd will not do a full install of windows 2000. you will need a full version.

OK tks, I'll give it a shot.

OK tks, I'll give it a shot.

The same thing happens....
The message sez:
"The file c:\program files\internet explorer\ connection wizard\ icwconn1.exe is open or in use by another application."

If I try to migrate to the internet explorer directory, I'm told it's "...inaccessible, access denied"

BTW, I'm on with Administrator rights.

The first time I tried SP4 install today, I got the message you see above, but the file was
"phone.ver". I tracked it down with SEARCH and deleted it. The second time, the message was as you see it above. I tracked it down with SEARCH, deleted it and tried the install again but
got a repeat of the same message as I've typed it above...the icwconn1.exe file was somehow not removed or reinstalled by a phantom...

Any other suggestions?

run the internet connection wizard to the end just select the defaults then try to install again. you might want to give your pC a scan for bad stuff.

BTW, I'm on with Administrator rights.


yes but did you go into safe mode to install sp4

Enter "Safe Mode"? Surely you jest.

Where is it written..."Thou shalt enter Safe Mode to install SPs"

Don't believe I have ever entered safe mode to install anything....but I'll try it.


Enter "Safe Mode"? Surely you jest.

LOL ,no I have loaded win2000 and sp4 many times and I'm sure i had to load it in safe mode more than once !

run the internet connection wizard to the end just select the defaults then try to install again. you might want to give your pC a scan for bad stuff.

Windows Explorer won't even let me into the Internet Explorer sub directory, so I can't run the wizard to the end.

I use AVG's virus and firewall package (not the freebie) and it hasn't found any evil spirits lurking in my machine—that was my first inclination. I did try to roust IE from my machine; I use Firefox and am not a big MS fan.


LOL ,no I have loaded win2000 and sp4 many times and I'm sure i had to load it in safe mode more than once !

booooo hisssss...a pox on safe mode! ! !

same thing happens SP4 install stops after checking my configuration for a while and tells my the file icwconn1.exe is open or in use etc. etc.

I went into safe mode with a command prompt.

I even opened up my battered IE6 and tried downloading SP4 again and got the same results.
Same thing when I unplugged my DSL router/modem and went "bareback" so to speak and just called up a command prompt, migrated to the drive where I have the SP4 executable file and started the installation...same thing.....but thanks for the input anyway/////


what version of IE do you have, if its the 5.5 from the win2000 upgrade install try upgrading it to 6.0 .
you can download a full version of 6.0 at www.oldversion.com

related but not the problem, or is it ,as you did upgrade from win98 ,maybe you had IE 6 on your 98 and things got mess up because win2000 install ie 5.5 WHAT!!!!

My IE is version 6.0.2800.1106 and old version 6.0 won't install cuz "there's a newer version in place" or some such.

I'm beginning to think I'm inhabited by some evil thing that AVG virus check is conned into either not noticing or thinking it's benevolent.


AVG is good but no one program finds all s--it on the computer .
check the bottom link in my signature .

AVG is good but no one program finds all s--it on the computer .
check the bottom link in my signature .

OK....I give up.
I went to puget whatever and downloaded the spybot thing, spent the time to run it and clean up.
Then I read the whole puget article/advice column and went and "labored mightily".

Nothing helps.

I have a fairly recent (1½ weeks old) complete backup on a stack of CDs. I think I'll go and try to find a bargain on XP pro, and start over again.

BTW I have a 60GB ATA drive from an old machine I took in trade I'd like to replace my old 15
gb drive any help on that? Don't have a clue what's on the 60 I think it was win 95 or 98. I've had it for a while now and never bothered with it.

Tks, for all your suggestions on the sp4 thing...I hate to give up but enough is enough.


yeah ,your problems are most likely a cause of the upgrade to 2000 ,upgrades were never recommended by anyone ,except Microshaft

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