Iam On Win Xp-sp2.

I Had Created Partions On My Pen Drive . I Partioned It Into Public And Private Domain With The Help Of A Software Supplied With Pen Drive.

Private Domain Is Invisible Unless The User Logs In With A Password Whereas The Public Domain Is Always Available.

I Had To Format My Computer Due To Some Reasons And I Forgot To Break The Partion On The Drive.

Can I Still Access The Private Domain. I Still Have The Password And The Software. I Can See The Public Part.

Also After I Installed My Software,on Connecting The Pen Drive, The System Rebooted. The System Reboots Evertime I Connect The Drive. I Removed The Software Using Windows Restore.

Please Help!

please help to recover the private section and is there any other similar software available???

Check with the documentation/support of the vendor of the pen card...they'd know best how to recover partitions created on their device with their software. Amazingly, you might even find this information in the manual!

it no where states how to recover partitions.

can i find it some where on the net (the procedure??)

Who makes the software, what is the software called and what is the version? Their support is going to be better equipped than we are for this but I can show you how to Google this information to see if you can find manuals/support info if that would be helpful.

Please Tell Me How .

Go to Google and type in the name of the software and maybe the name of the company that makes it...go to their home page and look for support.

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