How Can Anyone Load Vista Having 256mb Ram?

Don't do it man!

no no no no no dont do it (there is a way, if you really want to try it)

dude, it barely even runs on 1gb. The minimum spec of 512 is a joke.

I think Windows Vista Starter will run by default with 256MB of RAM; for others there is an illegal patch available which is STRONGLY NOT ADVISABLE. Dont think of Vista if you dont have atleast 1GB RAM.

for others there is an illegal patch available which is STRONGLY NOT ADVISABLE

i think it can be disabled by using a custom installer .sif file. Thats how you get xp to install on machines with ~16mb of ram (you can do it using nlite to edit the sif file)

^ Havent tried that. Thanx for the info :)

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