Hello everyone. I am new here and hopefully I can get some help. I just uploaded my website to a new host and have my own domain. For some reason I cannot access my site at all, whereas others I have spoken with can access it with ease.

I am getting the Cannot Access Page Error ... "Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer "

I know the site works but I cannot. Can some PLEASE help or offer suggestion as to why this is so. It has me stumped. I am a programmer/analyst, and cannot seem to narrow down or focus on where the problem is. I contacted my ISP for suggestions .... nothing! Though the website is not hosted with my ISP, I figured they could suggest something!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thx in advance!

I should have mentioned ...

I am running Windows XP Pro
IE 6.0 with sp1
I have a clone P4 1.5 GHz

The problem occurs everytime ..... I cannot access my site and I have not installed any apps lately!!!

Can any one help PLEASE!!!!

"ipconfig /flushdns" perhaps, if you haven't tried that already?

The same thing is happening to me, it's affecting all the sites located on the same IP, i've tried ipconfig /flushdns along with release and renew...

Anyone know what's wrong?

I can't access my site / all sites hosted on that IP with more than one browser, also I have an email from my mail server on my site and I use thunderbird (mozilla) to get my mail but it cannot access it, etc.

I can't ping my site or the ip either.

When I use a webproxy I can access all of the websites though...

Please help! :(

Thanks in advance

PS- I've tried it on other computers on the network and it does the same... however outside of my network (and using web proxies) you can load the sites...

This sounds like either the file permission is set wrong, or something is wrong at that host.

I have the same problem, my site is based on PHP, MySQL. I have 3 other administrators working from other location and all four of us with different network have the same problem or have been attacked by hacker.

As of now I access the site using www.ninjaproxy.com, however if I want to do XML transfer/upload using wordpad I cannot...since I am unabkle to access my site.

Actually this problem started about 4-5 months back...I think the hosting companies should find a solution for this or atleast move site to dofferent IP.

What do you think?

cannot access my website

Hello everyone. I am new here and hopefully I can get some help. I just uploaded my website to a new host and have my own domain. For some reason I cannot access my site at all, whereas others I have spoken with can access it with ease.

I am getting the Cannot Access Page Error ... "Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer "

I know the site works but I cannot. Can some PLEASE help or offer suggestion as to why this is so. It has me stumped. I am a programmer/analyst, and cannot seem to narrow down or focus on where the problem is. I contacted my ISP for suggestions .... nothing! Though the website is not hosted with my ISP, I figured they could suggest something!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thx in advance!

This is a DNS issue. There might have been some connection interruptions in your area same time as when your domain dns were resolving on the new server. Normally it will come right by itself, if it is a dns issue.

Member Avatar for gaurish44

I have the same problem..`
but using http://www.ninjacloak.com I m able to see my sites...
If any one have solution for this problem plz help me...

This is happening to me as well... working on a site for a client and they cannot see it on their end.... very embarrassing. They could see the older version of it before we began work on their site. To the best of my knowledge, no settings were changed and same with firewall and router.

The host says nothing is wrong on our end but to check to see if their IP address is blocked or black listed. Also Try to reboot the router and check the firewall and server configuration.

Any help beyond that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Can you post the link to your site so I can see if I can access it?

I'm having the same problem...My friends can enter the site , but i tried from my pc and laptop and it says "cannot find server".I've restarted my router thousand times and no progress..

Does other websites have other problem? Make sure no firewall or other security software usually third party firewall and antivirus are not blocking the website. You might want to check your proxy server.

Can you access the website through its IP address? If you need more help just post.

My site stopped being accessible a few days ago... From the hosting company said that everything is ok, but I can not access it! Here it is: http://dowjonestoday.eu

Noone has shared a resolution for this problem so far...

i'm also facing same problem
my website was working perfect last night but now i am trying to open my blog its can't open. it shows "unable to connect"
please someone help me.

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