Hello All

I apologise in advance for my very basic understanding. I do hope you can advise me.

I am experiencing problems with IE. When I am on my social networking page any links I click on are highlighted in blue and 'Done' is displayed in the bottom left of screen but nothing happens.

Today when trying to view videos online I am told to download flash but when clicking on the link the page simply refreshes. Similarly when viewing a list which runs over several pages, if I click on 'next page' it just refreshes the page I am viewing.

I have cleared history / cookies / temp etc.

Fingers crossed there is a simple explanation! Thanks for reading and hope you can help.

What version of IE do you have?

What version of IE do you have?

Hi itdupuis

Thanks for your reply. I think I had version 6 but chenged to version 7 in a bid to fix the problems. I have also downloaded Script form mircosoft, tried using firefox browser, run RegCure and deleted all history / coookies etc ! The problem is still the same !!


It sounds like an issue I have had with a few computers on my network (I do network admin for a school). I will go to those computers and try to pull up what I did to make them work. I think it is a simple fix, but I did this a few months ago and cannot remember exactly what I had to do. I will check on it and write back hopefully before the end of my workday. If I do not respond by 4pm (central) I will get back with you on Monday.

It sounds like an issue I have had with a few computers on my network (I do network admin for a school). I will go to those computers and try to pull up what I did to make them work. I think it is a simple fix, but I did this a few months ago and cannot remember exactly what I had to do. I will check on it and write back hopefully before the end of my workday. If I do not respond by 4pm (central) I will get back with you on Monday.

Thanks so much. I am trying to fix the problem but don't really have the knowledge. Your help is invaluable. What time zone are you in? I'm UK GMT. I don't want to remind you too soon and appear to be pestering.

Thanks again.

You can never pester me;) I am in the Central time zone in the US. It is currently 1:30pm. I hope to finish up on my current project so I can help you with your issue today.

It's 8.05pm here! So I think you finish work 10pm my time !!!!

It sounds like an issue I have had with a few computers on my network (I do network admin for a school). I will go to those computers and try to pull up what I did to make them work. I think it is a simple fix, but I did this a few months ago and cannot remember exactly what I had to do. I will check on it and write back hopefully before the end of my workday. If I do not respond by 4pm (central) I will get back with you on Monday.

Hi itdupuis

Hope you had a good weekend. Did you get an opportunity to have a look at how you resolved the problem on your network?

Many thanks

Hi there :confused:

Further to my below message, I have tried:

Installing and re-installing Sun Java, made sure that it is enabled on the java control panel, Run RegCure
Downloaded script from Microsoft
Installed IE7
Tried viewing sites in firefox
Restored original websettings.

I have tested Java here but it stil doesn't work :http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml

I have tried downloading Flash but can't download (due to issue with using buttons on websites).

Is it likely that all of my web problems (see below re buttons and links) are due to a Java error ?

I do hope someone can help because I'm totally stuck now !

Thank you! :confused:

Hello All

I apologise in advance for my very basic understanding. I do hope you can advise me.

I am experiencing problems with IE. When I am on my social networking page any links I click on are highlighted in blue and 'Done' is displayed in the bottom left of screen but nothing happens.

Today when trying to view videos online I am told to download flash but when clicking on the link the page simply refreshes. Similarly when viewing a list which runs over several pages, if I click on 'next page' it just refreshes the page I am viewing.

I have cleared history / cookies / temp etc.

Fingers crossed there is a simple explanation! Thanks for reading and hope you can help.

I've had this issue in the past on a few machines and it nearly always related to the Antivirus Software. (Usually happened with Symantec's product.) I found removing and re-installing the AV product resulted in the problem going away.

commented: Very helpful and spot on with the solution ! +3

I've had this issue in the past on a few machines and it nearly always related to the Antivirus Software. (Usually happened with Symantec's product.) I found removing and re-installing the AV product resulted in the problem going away.


I'm willing to try anything! How do I go about re-installing after removing? I have symantecs on an annual subscription and don't want to have to pay again when I reinstall. Will it remain on my pc but inactive or do I need to go back to the symantec site and start again ?



I must send you a thousand apologies for not getting back to you as planned. I was out of the office on Monday with an emergency, and I have been out of town at a conference until now. I will try and get up to speed again on your issue, and maybe we can find an answer... I will be in the office tomorrow, so be on the lookout for me. TCBW is on to something with the AV. Let me know what AV you are running, and also what your firewall settings are......we will look at it tomorrow!!

commented: very helpful and friendly - thanks +3

Hi TCBW & itdupuis

Great news ! I uninstalled symantec (I had an updated download ready to go but couldn't install to to a windows installer fax error), fixed my fax error, installed the updated AV and now Java and Flash are working!


Well, good thing tcbw came along to head you in the right direction! The issue I had with my antivirus on those computers were that they were outdated. After an update, they worked fine. Congrats on your solved issue!!

Well, good thing tcbw came along to head you in the right direction! The issue I had with my antivirus on those computers were that they were outdated. After an update, they worked fine. Congrats on your solved issue!!

Yes I think mine was out of date too. I had no idea AV could disrupt java and flash?!

Thanks again

Unfortunately AV's tend to mess with quite a bit of stuff. File sharing, program access, etc...can all be hindered. It seems as though they sometimes have a mind of their own! Anyway, good day to you, and enjoy your functioning java and flash!

hello i facing a problem of some erotic web sites when i opens official sites such erotic sites gets opened automatically..
i have cleared/deleted all cookies and temp internet file and history items still i am facing same problem.............

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