My old (not really that old) Compaq died on me. I bought a new Dell. I wanted to keep the info on the Compaq so I installed its hard drive in my Dell as a secondary. I got all my pic's which is what I really wanted. But I cannot find my old address book contacts. When I go to WAB in outlook express, I only get the new contacts on C drive. I have no idea where to look for the old list. Also does any one know if I get a new motherboard for my compaq will I be able to just install my hard drive back in it and start it up or will there be problems arrising from puting it in the Dell? Both computers are/were running Windows XP.

Also does any one know if I get a new motherboard for my compaq will I be able to just install my hard drive back in it and start it up or will there be problems arrising from puting it in the Dell?

all the info on the HDD is safe now to say if theres any problems Is anybody's guess make sure you piggy back it right

There won't be problems with the physical installation of the hard drive. Master and Slave, or Cable Select both drives with the jumpers on the back. Should have instructions for that on the label of the drive.

From there, you'll have to reset the permissions/owner for the Documents and Settings folder. Feel free to Google that information.

In the meantime, do a search for .wab files. That's the file extension that the PAB stores files as.

I have searched for .wab files with no avail. Could it be that windows changed the extention when it changed the files to read only?
You got very close to who I am Big B, but not right! Guess firewalls work.

I have searched for .wab files with no avail. Could it be that windows changed the extention when it changed the files to read only?
You got very close to who I am Big B, but not right! Guess firewalls work.

Outlook (Express) probably stores those in your old username folder under C:\documents and settings. This is where you'll have to reset the permissions so that your system can read that folder at all.

do a search of your old hard drive ,serck for *.wab

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