I am running IE 6.0 at home. My own personal computer. I'm the only one who uses it. I noticed last night sites in my history that I never visited. Some may have been pop-ups, but one in particular listed numerous pages visited from that site. How is this possible? I know that no one else has been on my computer. I'm very confused. Thanks for the help!

I really don't think its possible to have sites you haven't visited in your history. Maybe there actualy is someone that has been on your computer.

I think it is possible for adware and spyware to do this as I've had it happen to me as well. I can offer some tips to help clean up your system and to help prevent it from happening.

Try to keep your History, Cookies, and Temporary Internet folders clear; if there are sites you wish to revisit, put them in your Favorites list. You can delete them when you no longer use them.

Regularly clean out all Temp folders and do a Search for *.tmp and delete all those as well.

Make sure you keep Windows updated with all the Critical Updates.

Install a program like SpywareBlaster to help prevent intruders (link to it in the following thread).

For more advice on cleaning up your system and keeping it clean, check this thread:

I think it is possible for adware and spyware to do this as I've had it happen to me as well. I can offer some tips to help clean up your system and to help prevent it from happening.

Thanks for the info! I had no idea spyware could do things like that. You've saved my sanity. :) I don't know anything about spyware (could you tell?) and so I was really confused. Thanks again.

Advertising banners and the like can also cause this to happen, especially when you read multiple pages from a site using particular advertisers.

Your 'History' is NOT just the record of pages you've visited and read. It's a record of ALL internet locations your browser has been connected to.

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