Hi, I am not a programmer and know very little about the inner workings of the computer, so please "be gentle".

My computer has just started this problem and as far as I know, it didn't occur until I downloaded an update to my HP printer.

I get to the login screen, login and the computer begins to load. It continues this for about 30 seconds and I see tray icons coming up, then suddenly I get a .dll error message that says something like "Application failed to start because window is closing..." and then shutsdown.

This does not occur if I boot in safe mode; it continues running and allows me to do a few ops.

When this started, the first error message I received had to do with hpqste08.dll. Thinking that it was associated with my printer, I started in safe mode and removed the HP printer programs. That didn't work. It still begins shutdown, but now the same message has a different .dll listed at the top of the box.

I read that it might be associated with my backup power supply, so I started in safe mode, went to admin tools and disabled the service. Still didn't work.

I've run Norton 360 virus scan from safe mode, finding nothing.

I've run Registry Mechanic, fixing a few minor things, but still the shutdown sequence continues on next startup.

I don't think it's a hardware problem, because it works fine in safe mode. Could this be a virus that updated Norton can't find?

Please help.

I seem to remember a lady posting a very similar issue. She found a support download from HP, and it remedied her issue. I will try and locate that post, but I cannot remember where and when it was posted. Also, in reference to Norton 360, yes even though it is updated, it will miss tons of stuff! I use it and I am not impressed. I also run TrendMicro housecall (free online). Between both of them, I seem to catch everything, I will repost if I ever find that other thread. Have a great day

Thanks for the info. I'll try TrendMicro to see if that helps.

Trend is a very great tool to have I always recommend the free DOS application for users thats not suscribed with trend.

Usually viruses/trojans attache theirself on system files and after cleaning/ deleting the viruses youre left with inproper system files.dont worry its not essential Startup files.anyways try RegistryFix after trend those two in combination works almost perfect for me most of the time
Good luck

Thanks for the info. Does RegistryFix do something different that Registry Mechanic or RegCure? Registry Mechanic found nothing.

cant say axactly but I usually scan it so four,five times and most of the time it does the trick for me

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