Hello guys,

I have a website on a server (win2003), I have no problem open it with http://computername/site

but I just can't open it with http://ipaddress/site

Why? How to fix it?


what's the error? in iis you need to right click the website goto properties goto advance make sure is says default 80 leave host header value blank. ip (all unassigned)

I have changed default 80 and left host header value blank. ip (all unassigned).

Even now also facing the same issue.Please help me out to resolve the issue

The IP Address you assign to the http://computername/site in the (IIS) Site Binding MUST match the IP assign to the NIC for the site. For example: Inside Site Binding configuration, you will have: Type---http, Port----80, IP---, whatever the Ip of the NIC configured inside your control panel/networking/IPv4. This IP must also be the same assigned by the company that host the website. Check your configuration.

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