Can someone tell me how to start my Dell Dimension E80 with Window XP in Dos Mode? I have been infected by a bug and it will not even start. I am planning on typing format C: /s once dos mode is open so I can start new.

Thanks for your help.

Can someone tell me how to start my Dell Dimension E80 with Window XP in Dos Mode? I have been infected by a bug and it will not even start.

Do you mean that it won't boot up XP? Or that it won't POST at all? I reckon you mean the former. Also do you want to boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt, or into proper DOS mode? Because Safe Mode is easier, it's just a few key presses away from when you turn on the computer, but real DOS Mode is a little more complicated, you would have to create a bootable disc on either a floppy disk, or cd-rom, or on a hard drive.

I am planning on typing format C: /s once dos mode is open so I can start new.

That sounds like reformatting the drive, which is fair enough if you know what you want to do and why you want to do it. But also it might be worth getting a disk repair utility for the hard drive (depends on manufacturer), and making use of that. I know there's a Windows feature that you can use, chkdsk.

Anyways can you please give some more detail about what the problem is and what you're trying to do, so that you can be pointed in the right direction?

Just do a system restore using the CD's that came with the PC from Dell. You should have 2 CD's ( 1 is windows install, 2 is the drivers and Dell applications CD ). If you do not have these CD's please call Dell and you can buy them there.

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