Dear Friends

Whenever i restart my pc it shows press F1 to continue at startup screen
How can i remove this problem and my pc is new hp brand pc (3 days old)

Thanking you


Go to the BIOS configuration,

Usually by pressing the "Delete" button.

Look for the "HALT ON" Option.

Select it and choose the "No Errors" Options.

Save your changes and reboot.

It may also be caused by the CMOS abttery failing, which is very unlikely because your computer is onlt 3 days old...

May also appear because you once used "load default settings" in BIOS. If you otherwise like the way BIOS is operating just go in to BIOS Setup, select Save and Exit.

since it is 3 days old, it is better to return to the retailers. Opening the PC will damaged the warranty. Now if the pc come to you as a gift then check the battery. Contact might be the reason. Clean it and return properly.

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