Ok, I had this question a while ago, and didn't get much results:

Hey everyone. Just noticed a little problem. The computer at my desk is running XP Pro. and my computer in my office is running XP Home. Well, to run a remote shutdown on my XP Pro. computer, I had to go into administrative tools, local security policies, and enable it to be shut down remotely. This worked. I am able to shut down the computer at my desk (XP Pro) from the computer in my office (XP Home) well, when i try remotely shutting down the xp home computer from my xp pro computer, i get a "network path can not be found" message. I am putting the SAME code i use to shut down my computer at my desk: shutdown.exe -s -m \\OFFICE -f

Any ideas as to why XP PRo won't let me shutdown a XP Home edition computer remotely?

P.S. - I HAVE tried typing the IP address of my computer instead of \\OFFICE, doesn't work


My guess is that your XP Home machine does not have you authenticated properly... in other words, doesn't know who you are. You might (change that to BETTER) have firewall software running at home, and it may be blocking your commands.

I am also very curious on why you would want to do this sort of thing, and what security-conscious network administrator would allow such a thing. You may have a special relationship with your employer to allow such a setup, but coming from a security minded administrator (me), I would not allow these commands to be effective.

If I had to implement such a thing, I would install PC Anywhere, or get encrypted VNC working, and shut the computer down via the Start Menu.



I am also very curious on why you would want to do this sort of thing, and what security-conscious network administrator would allow such a thing. You may have a special relationship with your employer to allow such a setup, but coming from a security minded administrator (me), I would not allow these commands to be effective.

If I had to implement such a thing, I would install PC Anywhere, or get encrypted VNC working, and shut the computer down via the Start Menu.


I'm sorry for the confusion, but I'm talking about my HOME PC that is in my Office at my house, not my work. Sorry for not pointing that out

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