HI, I am not sure if I am at right place for this. Installed 98 and then when starting up computer, this is the message that I get every time, MSVCR70.DLL was not found. How can I fix that? Not sure where to look for to get it fixed. Thanks!

Hey, Yeah me too been so long since I used Win 98. Thats why I was asking for help on 98. I been using XP and kinda forgot all about 98. Thanks CasperJack, Your the Best!:D

i dont seem to be able to get the download to unzip. Is extract the right function?

oops forgot the details - windows 98 downloaded realplayer and didn't like it . when i uninstalled the real player, the regular cd player wouldn't work, kicked up the missing pncrt.dll message. tried to download the dll using the winzip program, but nothing happens. this shouldn't be this hard what am i doing wrong?

Hey CasperJack, I did what you told me to do and I clickedo n link and unzip etc... and nothing happens after that when I clicked on that file after unzip it it came out read me file. What am I doing wrong here?

Hey CasperJack, I did what you told me to do and I clickedo n link and unzip etc... and nothing happens after that when I clicked on that file after unzip it it came out read me file. What am I doing wrong here?

The zip file you download contains the DLL plus a readme file, you put the DLL in the system folder ,and do what you want with the readme file .

oops forgot the details - windows 98 downloaded realplayer and didn't like it . when i uninstalled the real player, the regular cd player wouldn't work, kicked up the missing pncrt.dll message. tried to download the dll using the winzip program, but nothing happens. this shouldn't be this hard what am i doing wrong?

You don't use winzip to download it ,you use winzip to open the dowladed file and you then put the dll in you c:\windows\system folder .get the dll here ,2 click to get it .Click here to download pncrt.dll then when the next page opens , Download pncrt.dll ,then use winzip to unzip it ,direct winzip to the c:\windows\system ,Folder and hit unzip file

well- i got the dll installed, the realpayer uninstalled, and now the windows cd player no longer pops up the missing pncrt.dll message, but teh cd player doesn't work. it doesn't seem to acknowledge the disc that has been inserted. teh "artist"line says no disc present initially, and then after inserting a disc, instead of a name teh line just is blank and no music plays. It did work [with this disc] before i got involved withthe real player. any recomendation for a good cd player i could download?

thanks a bunch

Hi, I unzipped the file and download it to system folder but after I reboot the system, I still get the same error message.

Hi, I unzipped the file and download it to system folder but after I reboot the system, I still get the same error message.

Check c:\windows and if there is also a system32 folder put a copy of the file there also !

HI again, I checked for system 32 and it was there and downloaded the file there and after rebooting the computer, I still get that same erroe message.

Sorry Dont know what to tell you ,that should have worked .
Maybe try going to windows updates and get what evers avaiable !!

I had a problem before with a dll file and went to windows and put the name of the dll file in search and found it and installed it directly to the folder it was needed in.

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