I've run across two computers, owned by different people, that the browsers don't work at all. I can go into the command window and ping google.com, for example,and get a reply, but IE6, FF2 & FF3 don't work.

Virus scans come back clean, as do adware/malware scans.

I'm at a loss.



Disable the proxy server.

you gave too little data. what's the type of the connection? cable? with cable what usually happens is when a router looses its IP number due to different reasons. you should check the configurartion of the connection, if it's ok, unpower the modem, turn off the computer, power on both then.

Sorry, it's a DSL connection. I was out at the site of one computer at lunch, and after going back and forth with Windstream, they seem to think it's a line problem, after discovering about 50% packet loss. I won't get a chance to look at the other until tomorrow.

Thanks, but the proxy server's not enabled

try to measure the ping time as well. anything over 800-1000ms ping time is bound to time out 50-75% of pings. if this is the case, then it might very well be a provider issue rather than a line issue. if they never had this issue before, then i'd look at the service provider causing the problem.

just to test it out, try using as the DNS when you set a PC to static IP. if you can get a ping response from it then you can use it temporarily to test if the ISP's DNS servers are causing the problem.

I would still think it's the modem. Well, that is what fails most often. Look here :-)

if your ping works and it says 0 losses the its ur browsers setup..go to internet options and make sure that all thats right. if thats not the problem then go to control panel, network connections and right click ur connections and hit repair. again if that doesnt work then go to your firewall and click the exceptions tab and make sure ur ff or ie is on the list. let me know if n e of this works or not

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