Tried to load a Medal of Honor game on a Vaio Vgc RA834G Media ctr computer. Game loaded fine, have checked all that I dare and the game won't boot up. It even asks for the CD if not in place, yet does nothing. Checked for upgrades and have downloaded patches and still nothing. I would think w\all the bells and whistles this unit has loading a simple game should not be a problem. Any available help would be greatly appreciated.

do the bells and whistles include a good video card ,that meet the games system requirements

I'd like to think so, Nvidia Ge force 6600 256 mb video mem

I'd like to think so, Nvidia Ge force 6600 256 mb video mem

Thanks for the help JACK????????

If anyone can assist I could use the help

im ,not a gamer but over the years have install a few just for fun,[need for speed ,monster truck ect ect ]and screen resolution was some times a problem for me,i would get nothing on the monitor .or compatibility issues, like trying to run a win98 games on winxp OS.

thanks for info are u saying it can't be done

thanks for info are u saying it can't be done

no , of corse not ,what os are u running ,how old is the game ,was it developed for win98 or winxp maybe and you are trying to run it on Vista .
before you click on the exe to run the game ,right clcik on it and choose ,properties/compatibility,and choose different windows os maybe or even choose different display properties

os is xp, the game is one of the first versions, I will check properties & compatibilty thanks

just checked the game compatible os are 95,98,Nt & 2K, thanks I should have thought to check that

just checked the game compatible os are 95,98,Nt & 2K, thanks I should have thought to check that

ok,you can try running it in win98 mode and 256 color mode and lower the resolution, then click on the exe to run the game

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