I am having a horrible time installing vista on my computer. It just keeps crashing. i have all the requirements Vista prescribes. Any thoughts?

What kind of hardware are you trying to install Vista on? Are you upgrading or doing a clean install?

It is an Dell XPS 600. I believe it has nvidia based motherboard. From what I have been reading it is incompatible with vista.

Yeah, it looks like Vista on an XPS 600 is going to be problematic.

Do you get any error messages?

on my pc, I successfully installed vista but it is very when you boot or shut down. Sometimes it hang in the middle of my work.

Make sure you have at least 2GB of ram.3 GB or more makes it run smooth

Make sure you have at least 2GB of ram.3 GB or more makes it run smooth

this is True, i am running a 3gb RAM vista box, bost of the time at least 40-50% of my RAM is in use just to allow vista to run. So anything less than 2gb will deffinatly cause problems for you.


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