I am having a terrible time with XP pro sp1- Took on a computer that was loaded with viruses. I am wanting to format the HD and start over. CD was bad (bought new one). Couldn't get in to boot with boot disks (6), so from a web page I was instructed to disable everything but the A drive in bios and try again. Now I get a \biosinfo.inf can't load error 1038 message. I am dead in the water.

I am having a terrible time with XP pro sp1- Took on a computer that was loaded with viruses. I am wanting to format the HD and start over. CD was bad (bought new one). Couldn't get in to boot with boot disks (6), so from a web page I was instructed to disable everything but the A drive in bios and try again. Now I get a \biosinfo.inf can't load error 1038 message. I am dead in the water.

Ah, I fixed it.

roadking2000, I have a laptop where the bios update disabled the floppy. I need to reformat but I don't know how to have the laptop recognize the floppy disk. My understanding is you were in a similar situation. Do you have suggestions? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Roadking may well have died of old age.
If you wish to format then obviously you intend reinstalling XP. Windows Setup on the installation cd will offer you the chance to format if you so wish.
No need for floppies.

windows might be corrupted or something and i dont have th packed in boot disc to restart it on. it gets to the startup of windows and then it doesnt start up.. it just resets the laptop and its a loop of that nothing else happens and i dont know.

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