I am getting an error in Internet Explorer:

"Internet Explorer Cannot Display Web Page"

Can someone tell me how to solve this problem?



I am getting an error in Internet Explorer:

"Internet Explorer Cannot Display Web Page"

Can someone tell me how to solve this problem?



sorry to hear you have that problem ,can you connect to internet with other browser ,or is IE the only one you have installed .

do you have high speed internet or dialup modem !
do you have win2000,XP, win98, or Vista even, please tell us more

Welcome to daniweb :)

Please make sure you dont have "Work offiline" checked in IE (Goto FILE/Work offline)

Good luck!

Am getting the same message, although I still seem to be able to view the pages that I want to on DaniWeb, so I am not sure what is being restricted. I have the latest IE and am on Cable connection and I don't have this problem with any other site.

I don't have this problem with any other site.

thought you meant the error was on all sites ,what site are you referring to.


Are you geting that error messege on all the websites that you have accessed or only on some of them?

First let us know which internet service are you using ? Is it dialup or broad band?

You have to contact the administrator of your ISP or cable internet service and ask them about the internet explorer browser settings and also ask them what linkspeed should you have.

Ask them and they will guide you how to change the linkspeed and browser settings.


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