Hi all.

I have a worksheet with col A populated by reoccuring numbers (LINES), and col B by unique text (VARIANTS) ...

= =
2 Bananas
6 Oranges
3 Apples
3 Grapes
6 Pineapple
2 Strawberries
3 Kiwi


In another worksheet I have a cell which drop-down list that simply references a range of numbers 1-6 (SELECT_LINE).

Below the above cell I want to create a drop-down list that is only populated by a list of VARIANTS that correspond with the LINE e.g. If i select 6 in the drop-down my second drop-down will contain


Can anybody help me out? I don't need a detailed explaination, if you can point me to the function(s) I should be using I can probably progress from there.


Excel 2003
Windows XP

When you mention a dropdown box, are you using the combobox control? If so, I would just use some vba.

However, have you tried using the Filter, which is found under Data of the Toolbar? To use it, just insert a row on your data sheet right before your first row and give each column a heading, such as Item Number and Item. Then click on cell A1 and go to Tools, Filter and choose auto filter.

When you mention a dropdown box, are you using the combobox control? If so, I would just use some vba.

Thanks for the reply Timothy.

Sorry I shouldn't have used the term drop-down because of it's association with controls. By drop-down I simply meant an excel list.

Anyhow I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but I think may have the solution; if so I'll post it back here.

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