Any help out there needed. Heres my problem. While living in a college dorm i was connected to their network. About 10 minutes after connecting to it i started to get these strange blue screen errors that i have never seen before. A computer tech told me that i had a virus on my motherboard and that it would be easist just get a new one. So this is what i did. Now the problem i have is that when i turn my system on it goes directly into sleep mode. While this is going on my dvd and cd rom drive blink like crazy. At first i thought that maybe my video card or monitor went bad but that wasent the case. Another thing is that i dont even hear a beep when trying to start up. There seems to be nothing wrong with the output in the sense that everything is connected properly. Nothing just seems to work. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

If this is any difference, i am running windows xp professional and have a elitegroup, socket a K7S5A MB

as for the blue screen my friend has a elitegroup motherboard and his does that too and we did some reasearch and what we found out is that it is caused by the bios but as for the other hardware going crazy the only think i can think of is that if you have another computer hook up the hardware to it and see if the function right and if they do it could be that your motherboard went bad but as for virsus they on attack data on your harddrive i hope this helps

Sure you dont have a trojan. You can remotely mess with peoples disk drive CD-Roms even open them and make nice noises with the hardrive.
port 31337 ADM worm, Back Fire, Back Orifice (Lm), Back Orifice russian, BlitzNet, BO client, BO Facil, BO2, Freak88, Freak2k, NoBackO
dolly subseven....ect any many other back door trojan's. I think you have a trojan as a result of a typical college PRANK(Via Floppy)
Post back all the software and hardware security measures you take.

Step 1: Remove or disconnect all components from the system: Unplug all PCI cards except video ( modem, network, sound, etc), Unplug the cables that connect the floppy, hard drive(s) and cdrom(s) to the motherboard from the motherboard.

You want to have only the motherboard, processor, memory, keyboard, monitor, and video card hooked up. Unplug the mouse but not the keyboard. Boot up and enter the BIOS, reset to default all settings. Save and exit.

Boot up the system and report what you see if it does not POST properly. If the POST is successful, plug in the hard drive by itself and boot up again. If successful, plug in the CDROM drive and boot up. If successful, continue plugging in components ONE at a time, booting up between plug-ins until the system does not boot properly after you plug one in. The last component you plugged in when it does not boot up properly is the problem, and needs to be replaced. (it could be the cable that plugs in the component if it was the floppy drive or hard drive or cd-rom drive that made the system fail).

If in the beginning after you reset all BIOS settings to default it still fails, then the motherboard, processor, memory, or video card are going to be the problem. Check all jumper settings, if more than one memory chip then remove first one, then check boot, if not working replace the memory chip with the other one and test boot again.

Also if there is built in diagnostics onboard the BIOS, run the tests with everything but motherboard, processor, memory, video, keyboard, and monitor plugged in.

Report back to me once you do as instructed.

Also, ,who makes the BIOS on that board? Look for the name as soon as the computer comes on, most common is Award, AMI, and Phoenix..

Another thing may be the memory is incompatible with that board. Since all you replaced was the motherboard, the old memory you put in the new motherboard may not be compatible. In any case, the tests I instructed you to perform in the post above this one will tell the truth..

One other thing, if your computer was infected through the network at college, you may STILL have viruses on the system. The tech that told you that the motherboard was infected with a virus should have also told you that. A virus on the motherboard is rare, but they are out there. They infect the EEPROM chip which is where the BIOS lives. The only way to remove them is to physically reprogram the EEPROM chip with a device made specifically for that purpose. Those devices cost around $250-400, so that is why he recommended just replacing the motherboard. Some shops have these devices and will charge you $50-75 to reprogram it for you. Again, you may as well replace the motherboard.

I recommend that you purchase a comprehensive security package such as Mcafee anti-virus and install it on your computer once it is up and running again. Do this from some place OTHER than from the network from which the infection was acquired, such as from a friends house. The 6-in-1 Antivirus from Mcafee will be sufficient, it has a built in firewall and will cost you $39.99 per year - that is about $3.33 per month - less than 1 meal at Burger King per month to be protected from future attacks. Don't bother with any of the free programs others will no doubt be recommending soon - you get what you pay for. I use Mcafee and have for years. Never once have I had a break-in or virus..

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