All of the flash content on any web page stop working since I installed Ad-aware and ran it with the latest updates.

I get a blank boxes with a small stamp in the top corner where the flash usually loads. And when I go to Marcomedia to the Flash Player download page, ( it wont detect anything for auto install.

Also when I go to the Flash Player tester page on Macromedia(, the shockwave test works fine but the Flash test fails to display anything.

I've trying reinstalling everything already and still no go.

If anybody has a similar problem with spyware software please post. Thanks

I just found out how to get this fixed. This problem has been killing me for months. I read somewhere (forgive me for not copying the link) on how to fix this.

If you have spyware blaster...Under Tools, is a tab called "Flash Killer." In here there is a check box that says "Disable and Block Macromedia Flash..." Uncheck this box and close out of the program. All of your Flash should start working again. If you have uninstalled the program, go download it again and reinstall. I learned that this blocking may remain even after the program is uninstalled.

You might consider upgrading your Flash Player to the latest version, if you aren't there already. There are +'s and -'s to the upgrade...

Hope this helps. Got me out of a very frustrating situation.

Hey "Captain" ... if this were my website, I would promote you to "General"!!!

You have no idea how long I have been going crazy with trying to solve this "Flash" issue. I have tried installing and uninstalling Internet Explorer, running all kinds of "updates" and have looked all over the Macromedia website trying to find out why I was not able to download the "Flash" player. I tried changing "settings" in IE, "tools", "security", whatever I could possibly change. I also went through my "Zone Alarm" settings a million times and even shut it down thinking it might be causing the "Flash" problem.

This problem has plagued me for months, and I would have never guessed that it was my "Spyware Blaster" program as I haven't used it since I installed it last year.

Finally I won't have to keep calling the suicide "hot-line" any more!!!

Thank you so much for your posting the solution to this problem. I actually joined this forum just so I could say thanks to you!!!

captainpodnuh, I could just HUG YOU! This has been driving me CRAZY for weeks, and I've done everything I could possibly think of. I double, triple and quadruple-checked my security settings, scoured the net looking for answers, only to be told time and time again that I must not have the right version of flash. I've tried reinstalling it repeatedly, deleting files, downloading files, and I even *wince* resorted to downloading Netscape to see if it worked there, which it did (to my eternal consternation).

Once again, THANK YOU. After reading your post, it took literally 3 seconds, and *voila* my flash is back. I feel like a complete dork, but at this point, I don't care. =)


I thought maybe you could help me considering your insight to solving the problems with "flash player" for those using spyware blaster. I keep getting errors that ending crashing IE whenever I try to open a website that uses flash player. And every time, the Windows error report indicates that it is flash player. I didn't have any problems until about a month ago when I started getting barraged by pop-ups. After installing McAfee and running Spyhunter and Ad-aware, I got rid of the annoying pop-ups, but have not been able to run Flash Player for any reasonable length of time. Something just isn't right, but I have no idea where to look. Any suggestions from you or anyone else out there? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

You my friend are my hero. I would have never figured that out because the add blaster was uninstalled long ago. I re-installed it, unchecked the box, uninstalled it again and ran flash installer, it worked!!!, i wanna buy you a f***** beer!

I just found out how to get this fixed. This problem has been killing me for months. I read somewhere (forgive me for not copying the link) on how to fix this.

If you have spyware blaster...Under Tools, is a tab called "Flash Killer." In here there is a check box that says "Disable and Block Macromedia Flash..." Uncheck this box and close out of the program. All of your Flash should start working again. If you have uninstalled the program, go download it again and reinstall. I learned that this blocking may remain even after the program is uninstalled.

You might consider upgrading your Flash Player to the latest version, if you aren't there already. There are +'s and -'s to the upgrade...

Hope this helps. Got me out of a very frustrating situation.

Spyware blaster needs to be regularly updated or you may as well remove it from your system.

I am so happy you figured it out. I have spybot on my computer and can't figure out how to unblock flash you know how?

I just found out how to get this fixed. This problem has been killing me for months. I read somewhere (forgive me for not copying the link) on how to fix this.

If you have spyware blaster...Under Tools, is a tab called "Flash Killer." In here there is a check box that says "Disable and Block Macromedia Flash..." Uncheck this box and close out of the program. All of your Flash should start working again. If you have uninstalled the program, go download it again and reinstall. I learned that this blocking may remain even after the program is uninstalled.

You might consider upgrading your Flash Player to the latest version, if you aren't there already. There are +'s and -'s to the upgrade...

Hope this helps. Got me out of a very frustrating situation.

I just found this site and the solution to my Flash 7 problem. It works fine now. Thank you

I don't have spyblaster but used ewido and ad aware. both are uninstalled now and the only way for me to get to flash player is to use netscape. Help!

Having worked through this issue with a friend, we think that we may have identified another issue which should be looked at.

Ensure that you have got the most up to date version of Java installed on your workstation

I have the same problem but have never installed that program. Is there a similar one that i forgot about?

i got the same problem but im using ZoneAlarm and NOD32, do any of those have this flash killer thing? and do they clash with each other maybe?

Well, I have sorta the same problem, I can run flash just fine in firefox,while i cant in anything else, i dont care if i cant use it in IE, but i use zune marketplace and it uses flash, but i cant...if anyone could help id love it thanks

I have the same problem, but I couldn't find Flash killer in spyware-blaster

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