I just installed SP2 and immediately after that my USB ports stopped responding. Any advice welcomed.

A specific device or all the usb ports ,if all you could try going into Device manager and reinstall the usb ports .

A specific device or all the usb ports ,if all you could try going into Device manager and reinstall the usb ports .


All ports. But how do I reinstall usb ports - not something I've had to do before.

You go into Device manager by right clicking on mycomputer /properties /,hardware/device manager /and you will see usb in the list , hit the + and hilite each one in the list ,and delete all what there and reboot computer and windows will reinstall them ,


Thanks for that. USB ports working fine now.

Thanks again.



Thanks for that. USB ports working fine now.

Thanks again.


Glad to have helped ,I use to work Phone Tech and we use to have to do that for some Palm problems with Hotsinc and palm Desktop .

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