Hi, My system is Windows XP Home. When I click ' remove' in the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel for 'Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 trial'; nothing happens. Anything else I want to remove works ok. Any suggestions? Is it possible the program has been removed although it is visible? Thanks in advance.

At first I thought you might be logged in as a GUEST and not administrator but I have tried to uninstall the Trial version on both my VISTA machine and XP Home machine using my GUEST account. It gives me a warning that I must be logged in as an administrator.

I have not had this problem in the past but there is one thing, and I am guessing, have you activated the trial version? If not that may be the problem.
Activate then remove.

As far as if it is there or not, go to your c: drive (Or the OS drive) and explore "Program Files". Under that you will find both the "Activation Assistant" and "Microsoft office suite".
If they are both full of folders and files then it is not removed. It should also be displayed in the all programs tree.

I suppose the non-adminstrator account was not the issue.

I had the same problem with those guys on my Vista home pro. Then I discovered that I wanted to learn to use the darned 'ribbon' anyway. Have you tried 'add/remove windoze components'?

Apologies for being a dewbie newbie! I don't use forums and this is my first time. As far as I thought, I had posted only once. Thanks for the link. It will solve my problem.

I had the same problem with those guys on my Vista home pro. Then I discovered that I wanted to learn to use the darned 'ribbon' anyway. Have you tried 'add/remove windoze components'?

I did try that but it didn't work. JBennett gave me a Microsoft link that will solve the problem. It is a complicated process involving deleting stuff out from my registry and I am the sort to make fatal mistakes, so I will just leave it as it is. Thanks for your help anyway.

Yeah thats the reccomended way for office 2007. There was a cleanup tool for older versions but it says specifically NOT to use it with 2007, so for now the manuak method is the only way.

Thanks for your help and attention! I will recommend your site to my friends.

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