Hi Im new here, I found this site when Im trying to find a solution to my problem. Anyway, please help me.. After windows loading screen, my computer shuts down. It turns on 20 seconds later. I can access safe mode though, Im in it right now. I can't see the info of my video card even in control panel, is that normal when in safe mode? The last time my computer functions properly, I pressed power button in keyboard to shut it down, I kept on doing that. Is there any relation to it with my problem?

anyone?...... pleeeaaasse help me!!

Does it actually turn off or does the screen just go black?
Secondly, yes, your video card wont be detected right in safe mode

The last time my computer functions properly, I pressed power button in keyboard to shut it down, I kept on doing that. Is there any relation to it with my problem?

I dont know, were you shutting it down, or hibernating/sleeping it?

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