I have Windows XP home edition, and Internet Explorer 6. This happened before but I did something to fix it, and I don't remember what. What happens is whenever I click on a javascript link, it doesn't do anything, or just sits there and has the loading cursor forever. Any ideas? I tried the other thread about links not opening, but that didn't seem to help.

Make sure you have Enable active scripting turned on
tools /internet options/security/custome level


Thank you so much, I didn't realize it was that easy.


I have exactly the same problem, but active scripting is already enabled.

Are there any other solutions I could try?

Many thanks



i have the same problem too. i tried to disable it then reenable it but that doesn't work. i have tried to link the thumbnail that affleck posted and i can't click it. does anybody have any suggestions?

Me too. http links work but not javascript commands/links. I don't understand

Do you guys have any software like spybot, pop-up stopper, etc installed? Certain programs that you might have installed could have disabled the hyperlink functionality. Try pressing down the SHIFT or the CTRL key as you click on the links see if it helps, also do you all have the MS Java Virtual Machine installed? If these are not helping provide more info about the problem please.

Disable pop-up blocker...obviously seems like spyware is a common issue in here so that could be it. There's a particular one that shows up as something like "Web Tools for IE" or "search bar" that totally jacks JS - you'll forgive me but I don't remember right off hand. Another thing you can try is to install the latest Windows Scripting host from MS...the install includes a new jscript.dll so I've had luck fixing a few with that. I just go to google and type in "download Windows Scripting host" and follow the link from MSDN. You can try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displaylang=en

I doubt this is the problem...usually it's the spyware or pop-up blocker, but just in case.

This new jscript.dll didn't help.
What's the next step ?

yea, pop up blockers sometimes screw up things

i had a bad run with some adware called IE Toolbar, and it messed up java script as mentiond, i used my bulletproofsoft adware remover to get rid of it but i still have the problem, i then uninstalled the adware remover and tried, same problem

I was having the same problem with a game link on Zone.MSN.com. I fixed it by going to the Security tab in IE, click on 'trusted sites', click on the 'sites...' button, then added the MSN site to the list. It works now!

Another thing you can try is to install the latest Windows Scripting host from MS...the install includes a new jscript.dll so I've had luck fixing a few with that. I just go to google and type in "download Windows Scripting host" and follow the link from MSDN. You can try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...&displaylang=en

Thanks, something must have damaged one of the scripting files. I had noticed that Javascript pop-ups and image swaps were not working, I tried your solution and it worked. I didn't mind the pop-ups being gone but my girlfriend wanted to play games, so she thanks you.

Disable pop-up blocker...obviously seems like spyware is a common issue in here so that could be it. There's a particular one that shows up as something like "Web Tools for IE" or "search bar" that totally jacks JS - you'll forgive me but I don't remember right off hand. Another thing you can try is to install the latest Windows Scripting host from MS...the install includes a new jscript.dll so I've had luck fixing a few with that. I just go to google and type in "download Windows Scripting host" and follow the link from MSDN. You can try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displaylang=en

I doubt this is the problem...usually it's the spyware or pop-up blocker, but just in case.

:) :)

Thanks so much. I was thinking I would have to clean my hard drive and start all over again. I am not sure what caused the problem, but it was driving me nuts. I downloaded the latest Windows Scripting host and now everything is back to normal. I appreciate the suggestion!!

first of all I run on microsoft XP, I have a toshiba satellite 1415-s173. I think i'm running using IE 6 I'm not sure I do'nt know how to find out. I think it's either 6 or 5.5

I tried doing everything that you guys have said. They javascript links DO open, but the thing is that they lag down and it takes about 30 seconds to open it, and I have DSL as well. It slows down my WHOLE computer and all the other programs when I try to open up javascript links. I tried using a different browser like mozilla firefox and it has worked. It doesn't work in my IE and AOL, which i think runs off of IE.

I reformatted my computer TWICE already.
The first time I did was partially for that reason and then the second time was specifically for that reason.

Please help me. :cry: :sad: :rolleyes:



Being new to this site I'm sure you aren't aware of this, but we do ask that members start their own thread when they have a question rather than "piggybacking" the question onto a thread previously started by another member (regardless of how similar the 2 problems might seem).

For one thing, the piggybacking diverts the focus of the thread away from the original poster's problem, and for another, your question won't get the attention that it would if it were in its own thread.

With that in mind, please post your question in its own thread, and try to provide as much detailed info as possible when you do (the exact text of error messages, your version of Windows and the program(s) you're having trouble with, etc.)

Thanks for understanding.

As the original problem in this thread has been solved, this thread is essentially closed.

Members who might be experiencing similar problems should start their own thread and state their questions there.


Disable pop-up blocker...obviously seems like spyware is a common issue in here so that could be it. There's a particular one that shows up as something like "Web Tools for IE" or "search bar" that totally jacks JS - you'll forgive me but I don't remember right off hand. Another thing you can try is to install the latest Windows Scripting host from MS...the install includes a new jscript.dll so I've had luck fixing a few with that. I just go to google and type in "download Windows Scripting host" and follow the link from MSDN. You can try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displaylang=en

I doubt this is the problem...usually it's the spyware or pop-up blocker, but just in case.

Thanyou soooooooooo much my control panel and javascript pages on the internet are all working great thank you

...Another thing you can try is to install the latest Windows Scripting host from MS...the install includes a new jscript.dll so I've had luck fixing a few with that. I just go to google and type in "download Windows Scripting host" and follow the link from MSDN. You can try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displaylang=en

I doubt this is the problem...usually it's the spyware or pop-up blocker, but just in case.

Thanks for this - I have been searching the web & newsgroups for 3 days trying different solutions to my problems of:-
Javascript not working in internet explorer
Windows update not working in internet explorer
windows search not working
find not working / find again not working in Internet explorer
MS knowledge base search not working properly
(in case anyone with a similar problem is searching!)
...and other bits and pieces

It took me a while to come across this result as I didn't initially do a search for the javascript part of the problem, but it instantly solved all of the above.

many thanks :)

Disable pop-up blocker...obviously seems like spyware is a common issue in here so that could be it. There's a particular one that shows up as something like "Web Tools for IE" or "search bar" that totally jacks JS - you'll forgive me but I don't remember right off hand. Another thing you can try is to install the latest Windows Scripting host from MS...the install includes a new jscript.dll so I've had luck fixing a few with that. I just go to google and type in "download Windows Scripting host" and follow the link from MSDN. You can try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displaylang=en

I doubt this is the problem...usually it's the spyware or pop-up blocker, but just in case.

Wow that fixed my problem. It had me stumped for days. I just made this account to say thank you.

The windows scripitng host fixed my problem.
thank you very much.


I have winxp sp2 with ie7 .....
i couldn't klik buttons in some websites.
sites where you have to wait 5 seconds for a download didn't work.
activex controls didn't want to install
Tthe installation of mcafee gave me a blank screen and systemrestore didn't load.

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