Well, I'm an IT professional in my first real IT job. Unfortunatly I've come across this problem that I don't know how to solve.

We have a computer where we have all of our shared files located on a seperate drive called the F drive. Which there is 215GB of space on that drive so I'm all set there.
But noticing the C drive (which is only around 5gb of space running Windows 2000) it goes down every few days 15-20 MB. Normally I wouldn't notice but recently it's gotten to a point where the C drive has gotten to less than a Gig of space and its throwing errors and acting all funny.

I've gone through and freed up some of the space on it. (Deleting old unused files, moving programs to a seperate drive etc) but it obviously isn't a perminate fix. I know that symantec endpoint takes up a lot of space on the C drive but I've still knocked it down to the bare minimum on the C drive and it's still mysteriously loosing space.

Has anyone else ever noticed this problem on any computer? If so, what did you do to solve this issue?

What are the new files and to what folder are they being placed? If you want to find out just do an advanced search with the date created set to a point where you last cleaned up the hdd. leave the keyword space blank and search the hdd.

You need to delete the old volume shadow copies + restore points i think
Also log files + hotfix backups, especially if using WSUS

Use a) disk cleanup b) a program called CCLeaner and c) a program called ATF Cleaner

Try and track down where the space is going, you can either do this manually by going to my computers> C: using right-click> properties to see the file size, then when you figure out which folder is the culprit follow the same procedure down the file system until you find the files.

There are also programs that will let you see the folder sizes of all your folders, check out http://foldersize.sourceforge.net/

.......Use a) disk cleanup b) a program called CCLeaner and c) a program called ATF Cleaner

I've checked the shadow copies and that isn't where I've had the problem.
Already ran a Disk Cleanup and that did really hardly anything for me.
I've used CCleaner on my own personal computer so I think I'll install that and see where it takes me.

What are the new files and to what folder are they being placed? If you want to find out just do an advanced search with the date created set to a point where you last cleaned up the hdd. leave the keyword space blank and search the hdd.

I've gone through and saw that the majority of the space is being taken up on a daily basis by the Program Files and the Documents and settings.

I had failed to mention that this is remote computer that I cannot administer locally. I've been using remote desktop to do all of these changes.

the documents and settings is probably the users roaming profiles?

the documents and settings is probably the users roaming profiles?

Actually, since it's a server only 2 users usually have direct access to the server. Which is myself and my boss and we both use the same username. I've gone through and deleted the other profiles that don't need to be there on the server.

um, anyone who logs into the domain will have a profile on the server, if the server is part of an AD domain.

sql backups?

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