I'm on windows XP and I use Firefox on a wireless laptop. I am trying to download and install visual basic express from microsoft and I get the unable to connect page. I have previously able to download Visual C++ express from that same site about a week ago. I have tried to use explored to get it also but no luck.

It's not my network because I was able to get it off of my desktop on the same network. I also tried from my works WiFi Network with my laptop and unable to do so.

Any Ideas, I am using McAfee Security Program and disabled the firewall and tried that that with no help.

Please Help



Firefox will not work on Microsoft update site. What version of IE did you use?


Firefox will not work on Microsoft update site. What version of IE did you use?

I'm using version 7.0

Is there an error message? See on the "unable to connect" page on microsoft download site, the code of the error message.

It's not giving me a error code, just says unable to connect,

Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.

* Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later.
* Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection.
* Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.

That's what I get. Also loading of websites seems to be a bit slower lately to.


Please supply the link of the site where you get this problem.

I am having the same problem.I have just bought a microsoft lifecam and installed it from the attached disk onto my vista run laptop using mozilla firefox with no problems,but tring to install the same disk on my xp run desktop I get the unable to connect message,even though I can see the microsoft web pages it will not let me download anything,even the latest version of messenger.The only other website that wouldnt download was the updates for the free version of AVG.The instructions do state that you must have ie installed but doesnt have to be your default browser.God knows how I can get the camera software installed?

I have the same problem, but I'm using the latest version of IE. When I try to update my Vista, it gives me this error code:
It says that it's currently installing other updates, but the error has always been there for months. Any help?

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