Hey All,

I have been trying to install Microsoft Office 2003 Professional Edition with Vista Basic. So for I have been able to install only Visio and Microsoft Project, but what i really need to install is Word and Access. No i have read somewhere that Microsoft Office 2003 has some compatibility Issues with Vista. Do know how true that is cause some people seem to be able to install the full Package while other can't. Has anyone else Installed Microsoft Office 2003 {the full package}. Might I be doing something wrong?

NB. I am not using an Original copy of Microsoft Office 2003 Professional Edition not sure if that might be the problem as well.

Much Thanks

I don't just wanna exist, I wanna live to change the world

Hi, there;
No, I don't think you are doing anything wrong when you try to put your MS Office 2003 Pro suite back.

This is something I have come across quite a few times when I have been rebuilding PC's on upgrades from XP to Vista - mostly, the Office 2003 goes in without a problem - other times, it just wont work and you get incompatability warnings.
... I have not been able to find a way around it except to install the 2007 version of Office - and most people hate 2007 Word once they have been working for years with 2003 Word.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful. Mind you, this is a good excuse to go out and treat yourself to a new quad-core PC with the latest bells and whistles...

If you are good at reading 'specialist instructions', you might be interested in the article at the following URL\http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/archive/2007/03/12/loading-office-2003-into-vista-and-fixing-the-problem-with-the-eula-always-coming-up.aspx
... It is a nice and clean site - no nasties or costs...

Regards; Hanfonius

Hehe, actually it's like we are trying to install Office 2000 on XP the same way. Some of the features must be incompatible.
Why don't we try 2007 version..:) ?
It's just a perfect one.

As I mentioned in my original reply, many people who have been using Word 2003 are most unhappy with the Word 2007. It looks different, and it feels different.

The vast majority of people only use one tenth of the facilities available in Word - they learn only the bits they wish to use on a daily basis. I'm quite sure that Word 2007 is even more evolved than ever, but if you don't want or need to use the extras, why pay perfectly good money for them?

It works fine. I run office 2003 pro on vista and server 2009 no problem

I don't know, it's probably quite expensive in your country. But it's only 4USD for one DVD in my country.
Perhaps the update of vista, and office 2003 can resolve the problem then.

WTF! - $4??

office 2007 is like £150 (~$300) for home and student in my country


Hehe, actually it's like we are trying to install Office 2000 on XP the same way. Some of the features must be incompatible.

Office 2000 runs perfectly on XP.

WTF! - $4??

office 2007 is like £150 (~$300) for home and student in my country


Office 2000 runs perfectly on XP.

Of course, the price is 4$ not only home or student, it's even enterprise version.
The prices are the same to all DVD software and game.

they aint legit though

its due to people like you that prices for software is so high

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