I get tons of internet explorers pop up for no reason on my start bar. You cant click on them and they are not advertisments; they just appear. Only thing I can do is exit them. Does anyone know what the deal is here?

Start bar? You mean taskbar? When does this happen? Just when you start Windows? Just when you open up Internet Explorer for the first time?

This usually happens when I'm using internet radio. If I'm not at the computer to exit them out so many will pile up and an illegal operation will occur. I turned the java off hoping it will help.

After turning off java it still does it.

run spyware,then a popup stopper ,I get those all the time right after a fresh install of xp.

Active scripting is turned off and java is turned off. These are not advertisments and you cant maximize them. They're just there and the only thing I can do with them is exit them.

What OS are you using ,and what version of internet explorer is it !:)


=)BIG"B"Affleck, stick with the topic, don't make a poor guy switch browsers..
If you so hate IE then at least suggest Metscape, it ain't the piece of crap mozilla is.

Hold up there partner, this statement is false. You may be all hyped up on IE (most insecure browser around), but don't bash Mozilla (very secure)!

Sorry man, just had to take issue with your statement.


But you got to admit that Mozilla is really a worse version of Netscape. (at first I wanted to say copy, but then again, I don't know, may be Mozilla was the first...).
Sorry again, I didn't want to offend anybody.
P.S.: =)BigAfflec doesn't count since he a madman and a jerk.

snowman you will have to excuse her(valmian) she knows not.

Valmian, not that I am siding with anyone, but I would consider something before you state crap vs non-crap. I am not saying one is better than the other, but if you notice IE and Netscape are all based of the Mozilla Source code.

Just my two cents!

Wow, I wasnt expecting a software duel here.

I dont like Netscape or Mozilla. They both eat up my system resourses on my old computer. IE however runs smoothly no matter how new gets. Mozilla is definitley the worst of the three.

Keep in mind, however, that IE uses up just as much. But because MS integerated IE so deeply into their OS, it doesn't appear to take up that much (actually, IE doesn't even show up on my Win2k's task list... it's just lumped into the OS heap).

Microsoft makes pop-up windows from third-parties (most pop-up ads are in this format) get whacked by default. After all, they take up system resources, can trap users in painful loops if they go to the wrong site, and cause IE to seem to freeze as a new window is opened in the background.

The worse IE pop up is the one that take over the entire screen. How to turn that off? I had to hit and find the internet explorer task and shut it down. Doing this on Windows 9x, make your machine unstable. Better to download Mozilla and using it to do your web surfing.

If IE runs so smoothly whats the problem?
I still dont think you turned off active scripting.
This is way better than IE for the parnoid and less annoying too.
It is based on Mozilla code. (You got to love this open source code sharing).

Here are the features:
1) Cookies are deleted on shutdown
2) invasive JavaScript commands are removed, it has no identifier so sites can't tell who you are
3) mail and news clients allow you to remove HTML and view it as plain

I'm using win 98 with ie6.0

Why do you say IE uses up just as much System Resources? I'm constantly monitoring due to the fact that I'm using a computer with about as much memory as my burnt bong smoking mind. The fact is Mozilla slowed my computer down and IE doesnt. I can have IE running days on end. With Mozilla I'm restarting every two hours.

Well you see......That is why IE is so much better. I dont have to upgrade my computer to keep up with the software.

I'm going to say this once. Internet explorer and messengers are the only programs I use on my computer; they are the only programs I need. If Mozilla was so great it should be able to run on both new and old machines; like IE!

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