Hi. I'm new to this forum. Please excuse any naivete. I am downloading videos and periodically the display is only jerky images without continuity. Is this a function of my internet speed. It's 4 megs. If not how do I correct the problem? Feedback is much appreciated.

The problem could be numerous things - the capability of your hw, the codec used, the server providing the video, etc. Is there a specific website that is giving you problems? Are you using a media player? If so which one?

just because you have a 4M connection, it does not mean that you are downloading at 4m. it is the max that your ISP will allow you. go to www.speedtest.net at any given time. click a pyramyd and wait a minute. then you will know the true speed of your connection. it needs to be at 2000+ to get youtube streaming. if it only happens when the vid is larger onscreen, it is a driver issue.

let me know.

Thank you folks for replying. This is on u-tube and yes it is the large displays. I checked my internet actual speed and download is 4842 kb/s and upload is 480. So it is your opinion that this is a driver problem. I will check and see what I can do about it.

Thank you folks for replying. This is on u-tube and yes it is the large displays. I checked my internet actual speed and download is 4842 kb/s and upload is 480. So it is your opinion that this is a driver problem. I will check and see what I can do about it.

i think its a utube problem ,don't go there much but when i do i find the video quality sucks ,the quality of the videos people post i mean ! really bad quality

OK. I bet if you play a DVD movie in full screen you get the same issue. Try it and see. It is because you don't have the VGA drivers installed. I bet that the screen is jerky when you scroll down, too. If that is corect then I will give you a walkthrough (This one is special, not straight forward - has the same thing happen on 3 pc in a row before I worked it out.) Oh, and is Standby disabled?

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