now i may be kind of a newbie with comps but i do know some things im just completely flabergasted by my current issue, which is i have normal and good color in most aspects of my computer the parts that are not right are anything that is played by my media players ive tried a couple but i still have the problem, no unusual sounds i did notice that very bright colors come in faded but most other things a pretty much black and white with shading if someone could please stop the madness i would be forever grateful

I am sorry I do not understand your issue could you please explain it in more lengthy detail?

I am sorry I do not understand your issue could you please explain it in more lengthy detail?

ok lets see its my brothers comp he went to iraq so i have it, it wouldn't boot when i got it, so i reinstalled win xp home, alot of the drivers wernt there so i starting digging and searching found what i thought to be correct, still had problems the color, the color was only on things that i downloaded or dvds i was playing, if it was a third party media device the color was fine, unfortunately im not sure if there is a aftermarket video card or not the computer was built from a dell xps model, i do know it has a different sound card i wont get into how hard it was to find the driver for that but im not sure what else is aftermarket so to say if this helps awesome if you need some more specific info let me know and ill try to figure it out

Please state your type of computer, the brand, and the OS installed, then we can take it from there.

from what he posted it is windows xp on a dell xps

from what he posted it is windows xp on a dell xps

the computer was built from a dell xps model, i do know it has a different sound card

so its not just simply a dell xps

my opinion is that the correct video drivers weren't installed after the winxp reload !
go to device manager and check for any red and yellow ! or x indicating driver problems

I agree with caperjack. To find the correct drivers one have to know more details regarding the model of pc, and especially the motherboard. This definitely sounds like a driver problem.

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