when i click turn off computer in the start menu the[stand by , turnoff ,restart box ] does not appear. I have Dell xps 400. I just quickly touch the shutoff button and the computer shuts down normally. If i do not run my Yahoo browser the box will work. If I go on line and browse a little then log off my browser and completely shut off my modem I can not get the shut down box to appear. When i touch the shut down button.,even though I have logged of and shut off my modem,a box appears and tells me my browser is shutting down.

Have you scanned for malware yet? I'd suggest running Malwarebytes Anti-malware if you haven't.


Thanks for the reply. Just downloaded Malwarebytes Anti-malware, installed and ran a quick scan and found no problems identified. Will run a thurough scan tonight befor I sut down for the evening.

Btw. uninstalled and reinstalled my yahoo browser just in case but that did not help either.


I just completed a thorough scan with Malwarebytes Anti-malware and it didn't find any problems. It did not slove my problem but at least I Know my computer is free of malware.

Thnaks anyways.


What are you running? XP or Vista?

There is a registry VALUE (not key) you could look at with Regedit


If the DATA value is 1, change it to 0 and see if it restores the items.

If that works, we can go on to look at how the value came to be 1.

What are you running? XP or Vista?

XP 2ed edition

There is a registry VALUE (not key) you could look at with Regedit


If the DATA value is 1, change it to 0 and see if it restores the items.

If that works, we can go on to look at how the value came to be 1.

Did a "find" in regedit for PowerDownAfterShutdown and the number listed is "0"

There is a registry VALUE (not key) you could look at with Regedit


If the DATA value is 1, change it to 0 and see if it restores the items.

If that works, we can go on to look at how the value came to be 1.

Did a "Find" in regedit ,PowerDownAfterShutdown and the number is"0"

I have seen a similar issue where the standby button is not displayed. This was caused by the incorrect graphincs driver, an update to the correct driver solved the issue.

Have you tried uninstalling the yahoo browser and using an alternative? Will it shut down normally without the yahoo browser installed.

Rebooted computer and tried the start turnoff computer button and the box appeared . Did not use yahoo browser but accessed internet with "internet Explorer". tried start button and no box would appear. Same problem as my yahoo prowser.

After trying many of the newer drivers avilable my present graphics driver has worked for quite some time with out causing this problem. I can not understand why it would ,out of the blue,start now. And is is a very good match for all my race games. About 60 gig worth.

Thanks very much for your comments.

Could you be precise now as to what box doesn't appear? Or is it greyed? But which box? Which boxes do appear?

Does Task Manager allow you to shut down after using IE or the other browser?

Could you be precise now as to what box doesn't appear? Or is it greyed? But which box? Which boxes do appear?

Does Task Manager allow you to shut down after using IE or the other browser?

Thanks for the reply
See attachment for picture of shut down box that does not appear after running any app's or internet.

As a matter of fact that is how I shut down my computer now. Instead of right clicking the taskbar and selecting Task manager I now have a shoutcut to task managr on my desktop. You can see it vright above the start button and I use the takmanager to shut down, or reboot my computer when neccessary.

OK. That's clear.

Please have a look at:

supported by:

Let us know.

the first part is set to "0"
IN the 2ed part HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]
I have no explorer folder listed onder Policies.

I'm not sure we are on the same page.
I can get the box if i run no app's or internet so it is there.. If I run anything then the box will not appear.
Thanks for you patience and help

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