Hi. I'm new here and I need help. We have an IBM computer. Because of some problems we were having my husband put windows millennium on the computer. Unfortunately, it made our problems worse. Nothing will work right and we can't uninstall because we can't find it. We want o delete all files and put windows 98 back on. We have done this in the past and were ablt to go to run and type in format c:. Now it won't let us do that. We are not really familiar with fdisk, but tried that and still no luck. Can anyone help? We could always just get a new hard drive if we need to. Thanks for any help.

You do not need a new hard drive.

Does you computer boot to the 98 CD?

Do you know how to get into the BIOS to make it boot to the CD first

Hi. I'm new here and I need help. We have an IBM computer. Because of some problems we were having my husband put windows millennium on the computer. Unfortunately, it made our problems worse. Nothing will work right and we can't uninstall because we can't find it. We want o delete all files and put windows 98 back on. We have done this in the past and were ablt to go to run and type in format c:. Now it won't let us do that. We are not really familiar with fdisk, but tried that and still no luck. Can anyone help? We could always just get a new hard drive if we need to. Thanks for any help.

can you view my computer? if so have a floopy at hand and format at a boot disk. Dos will load up if you leave the floppy in on a reboot. Then do format C: that should do the job. You dont need to do fdisk for that. Partitioning is uneccesary unless you change operating systems FULLY, like to *nix. If you msut use fdisk i can send you a txt on the entire read me. Id post it but its not mine, I dotn want to break copyright.

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