I have recently purchased windows xp home version update. can I successfully delete the windows me files and not jepordize the new installation??...Thanks in advance!

if its an upgrade, it needs an os to upgrade from... if you delete windows me, there is no os for it to upgrade from, and therefore, the installation will fail.

if its an upgrade, it needs an os to upgrade from... if you delete windows me, there is no os for it to upgrade from, and therefore, the installation will fail.

Let me add that this is not the case !!
you can install the upgrade on a clean hdrive as long as you have the key to put in for the Win ME you own. as long as its not a recovery cd .
Read the last paragraph on this site .

I have recently purchased windows xp home version update. can I successfully delete the windows me files and not jepordize the new installation??...Thanks in advance!

For Viper: thanks for the info. another post told me how to sidestep and install a clean xp..I'm not that ambitious! Think I'll leave it alone...

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